
February 2013


What an icky few weeks.

Germany seems to have come down with a cold.


Germany seems to have come down with a number of colds, and I am getting each one in turn. So far, I’ve had three distinct colds – a heavy duty cold in late January that marked its entrance with a headache and minor fever. Two days after my birthday I stayed home with a nasty cold that featured a minor sore throat. Last Friday afternoon I had my third illness—maybe a cold—which consisted wholly of a sore throat that started around 2 in the afternoon and lasted until… uh… well, it was gone when I woke up Saturday morning at 8.

Seriously, it was gone. I’d actually warned my friends Friday evening that I was probably going to have to cancel our Saturday evening dinner plans, but I ended up going out and having a great time.

Meanwhile, my Twitter and Facebook feeds are filled with friends who are sick, plus people at the office regularly complain of ailments that suggest minor colds are being passed around like other unwanted social diseases.

I just want it to stop – I want to be 100% for my next trip, which is just a few weeks away.

5 comments to What an icky few weeks.

  • MT


    I had the flu a couple weeks ago and I just now feel 100 percent.

  • You know, starting from a certain age we are all a little bit ill here & then.
    All the best.

  • MT – I’m glad you’re better!

    Martin Wisser – I know… I know, but three times in four weeks?! That’s not fair!

  • I read something recently that said that Bavaria is especially hard hit with flu this year. I’m not surprised.

    What I *am* surprised about is that I haven’t been sick since my new year’s flu in January.

    • You are incredibly lucky! I popped in on one of my colleagues today and she looked miserable with a nasty flu or something similar. Too bad she had to be in office this week. Stay well…