
July 2013


Not to Carp, but I went to Hiroshima to see BASEBALL!

Welcome to Mazda Zoom Zoom Stadium, 3rd base side, 14th section, row 30, seat L231.

I will readily admit that the reason for my Japanese vacation is completely and utterly insane.

I went to Japan to watch the Hiroshima Toyo Carp play baseball.

At some point it occurred to me that I haven’t been […]

Hiroshima Peace Park

My first morning in Hiroshima was dedicated to visiting the Peace Park and related activities.

Monument in Memory of the Korean Victims

It’s a slightly odd, and convoluted, reason that I decided to visit Japan and, specifically, Hiroshima, this summer. While I actually had a number of choices as to which city I could […]

If I cared about football, then I’d be upset… #beceltic

If I cared about football, then I’d be upset…

In the last eight years, since I last attended a professional football match here in Germany, my love for the beautiful game has not really increased.

I’ve come to dread the World Cup and the Euro football tournament. It’s the only time that the large masses […]

Lessons learned from my stack of magazines.

Honestly, I only subscribe to three magazines: The Economist, Rolling Stone, and Ex-Berliner.

The Economist is expensive and I get it delivered to my home in Berlin – it is the only appointment reading that I have every week. I read it from cover-to-cover in a specific order (cartoon, letters to the editor, then I […]

Planning the Journey: Things About Japan that Already Surprise Me.

At some point in the future I’m going to pop over to Japan for a few days vacation.

This will be the furthest east I have travelled (or west, but I haven’t ever crossed the Pacific, and Japan is certainly east of Germany) and there are a large number of things about the trip that […]

Berlin Hosting (yet another) World Championship – This time Boot Throwing

What an awesome logo: the Berlin Bear, throwing a boot!

Saturday took me on an adventure to northern Berlin – Tegel – in order to attend the closing day of the Boot Throwing World Championships 2013 and World Cup 4.

Lest you think that I am making this kind of bullshit up, I’m not. […]