
October 2013


On being a little terror – adventures in middle school when I was four.

Smiley Middle School

Now that my friends have kids of school age, I’m starting to hear some interesting stories about schools and how bad their administrations are. Fighting strange school policies on behalf of their kids is a refrain I’m hearing more and more.

Listening to the stories reminded me of a story from […]

It’s nice catching up with old friends… dinner at das Meisterstück

Last night I had the pleasure of dining with one of my former colleagues. She was in town for a work function in Mitte and we agreed to find some place in the neighborhood for dinner.

Enter, amazingly enough, The New York Times.

A couple weeks ago they ran an article highlighting Berlin’s up and […]

Airlines and Airportx XVI

I’m not quite done with my 2013 travels, but barring any surprises, I have no more new airports this year and no more new countries. There were a bumper crop of new airports for me in 2013: LAR, MCO, and SAN, in the States, and outside the states a whopping seven new airports: LSI, KOI, […]

What a beautiful fall…

Since getting back from the States, I’ve been pretty busy at work – keeping pace (not falling behind) and enjoying the day-to-day life.

Pretty much at the expense of my personal life.

Sunday, though, I broke out of my routine and popped over to a nearby café for brunch. The weather was absolutely, positively fantastic […]

15 years since Matthew Shepard was murdered

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 15 years since I left the University of Wyoming for points east – and ultimately Germany.

Two months after moving to Bloomington, Laramie was in the news.

From the luxury of my home in Berlin, I can still think back to how I felt those 1998 October days […]

Denver is getting it right, but Portland is already there.

There’s a park in this photo.

Written Saturday afternoon, posted today — because I was having too much fun!

As I observed after my time in Denver, I feel that Denver is getting it right. Public Transport is going to have a strong hub in the form of Union Station and a part of […]

I ate a gaybar.

I’m in Portland, Oregon. Home of so many wonderful things, including VooDoo Doughnuts, where good things come in pink boxes.

Pink boxes signal great doughnuts — and a long line, even at 5pm.

Three VooDoo Doughtnuts: The top is a “cock and balls”, then lower left is a dirty doughnut and on the […]

Thanks to Todd Young and the other Republicans… I could not visit the Anasazi Heritage Center

The door was locked — no way to see the treasures of the Native Americans who lived in the region.

After loading up on cliff dwellings at the Ute Mountain Tribal Park and Mesa Verde National Park, today’s plan to visit the Anasazi Heritage Center was a bust.

All thanks to Todd Young, my […]

The Highlight of my SW Colorado Adventures: Ute Mountain Tribal Park

Monday was a great day: we visited the Ute Mountain Tribal Park.

The Ute Mountain Tribal Park is a park on the Ute Mountain reservation, and it surrounds Mesa Verde National Park – and it has a lot in common with Mesa Verde: spectacular scenery and cliff dwellings, to name two. It also lacks something […]