I’m happy to report that after a two or three month slump at the gym, the past week or so, I seem to have hit my stride again.
Looking back, I’m pretty sure that November was a month that I went to the gym, just to keep the habit going. December was the month I barely went – more due to health issues at first, which was then followed by seasonal party time.
That said, when January rolled around, I forced myself to get back in the habit. But the enthusiasm wasn’t quite there, if you know what I mean. I was going through the motions, without actually enjoying it. Whilst doing cardio, I would watch the clock – thinking to myself, “only 24 and a half minutes” – followed shortly thereafter by “only 23 minutes.”
This is not a recipe for a good time.
Then, about a week ago, something changed – a switch flipped – and I suddenly started liking the gym again. Essentially I’ve stopped watching the clock and am enjoying the weight lifting machines and enjoying doing cardio. Today, after doing upper body weights, I did 60 minutes of cardio, and at one point somebody got on a machine adjacent to mine and I didn’t notice for several minutes – I wasn’t aware of my surroundings. I wasn’t aware of how far I had gotten through the cardio.
Further, I seem to time my workouts well – especially during the snowy weather. When I get to the gym, the locker room floor is dirty – puddles of melted snow and ice everywhere. When I get back to the locker room, ready to get dressed, the floor has just been freshly mopped, so I’m able to avoid stepping in cold puddles of water coming back from the showers.
It’s nice to be back in the saddle, so to speak. I’ve noticed a difference in how I feel after the workout: I’m energetic and then, the next day, a bit sore.
When I was in a foul mood, I was only sore.
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