Last fall I ran across Volta Press and their amazingly beautiful Letterpress Maps of Berlin neighborhoods – so I bought my neighborhood, Schöneberg.
This striking map, framed, is in my hallway, at eye-level, so I see it multiple times daily. At least once I day I stop to admire it and to look at where I live on it. I love how the street names are the streets and how letters and words take up their space naturally on the map – take Heinrich von Kleist Park – where I found my Mut painting.
Certainly I’ve ventured beyond the limits of this map in the past 1.5 months – a bit further north, a bit further east. Even a bit further south, but there are plenty of streets on this map that I have not yet ventured onto during the Covid-19 crisis.
The style of the map, with its font choices, is what attracted me to this map in the first place. I really love its look and feel. When I look at it, it reminds me of my life now.
Strangely I don’t actually have much representing Denver, Laramie, Bloomington, or Weimar – at least in this way. I’ve actually been doing a lot of thinking about how little representation I have of Bloomington (really only one thing). I other than my GO WYO license plate, I don’t really think that I have much representing Denver or Laramie, for that matter. Weimar is a bit better represented.
Yesterday I spread my wings a tiny bit: my morning constitutional took me past an U-Bahn station over 1.5 kilometers away. I also went into a shop to consult with somebody about a major purchase that I am contemplating – spending just about an hour discussing the intricacies of something complicated.
It is going to take me awhile to get back into being out in public during daylight hours for more than a few minutes. I am worried about being in crowded areas and that Germany will experience a relapse. I’m now armed with facemasks (four strings off the back to tie onto my head, four polyester-tube like facemasks, and several more ear-elastic facemasks on their way. It’s required to wear facemasks when taking public transport – of course I haven’t been on public transport in awhile.
Baby steps.
During the Covid-19 crisis, I am going to try and make a point of writing a blog post about an object in my home.
We’ll see how long this lasts.
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