

Whatchamacallit 54: G-Line Glasses Cleaner

G-Line Denver

I’m a fan of public transit – and expanding rail networks, much like has happened in Denver.

Denver opened its G-Line on April 26, 2019 – and I happened to be in Denver for it. I did not ride it that Friday or Saturday, but Sunday morning I happened to pass by one of the rail stations with a friend – we stopped, parked the car, and rode the line for free.

There’s not really lot of touristy things to do along the G-Line, except at the Olde Town Arvada station – which is where we got off the train and explored the neighborhood. We bought some spices at Penzey’s, ate some ice cream, and wandered around for an hour.

While getting on the train, we were given free schwag to celebrate the line’s opening: this eyeglass cleaning cloth was one of the things; the other was a tube of lip balm that had expired.

This is because the opening of the G-Line was delayed: it was supposed to open in late 2016. However, for complicated technical reasons, it was delayed well over two years.

I tossed the lip balm but kept this – it is one of the few things I have that represents Denver in any way, shape, or form. I keep it attached to my bulletin board – and it has not yet been covered over (unlike what you can see behind it).

During the Covid-19 crisis, I am going to try and make a point of writing a blog post about an object in my home.

We’ll see how long this lasts.

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