

Whatchamacallit 55: My Panama Feather

Panama Feather

I know that I’ve already written about my Panama Hat – today I write about my Panama Feather.

The feather is specific to the Panama Canal – in Spanish, “el canal de Panamá.” It is dated 2017 and appears, to be signed by Jacob Puntana – but I’m not really sure about that name. I have no idea what I paid for the feather.

Getting the feather framed was amusing on a couple front: the feather was attached to the piece of paper and the name written across the bottom – not really well centered from an artistic perspective and the framer wasn’t sure how to deal with it without doing some thinking.

More amusingly, neither the master framer nor the apprentice realized that the feather was a feather – both thought it was a flat painting painted in such a way that it looks like it is on a feather. It was an offhand remark on my part about making sure the glass did not touch the feather that brought the 3D nature of the actual painting to the fore.

The painting captures perfectly the Panama Canal experience: the ship going through a lock, the train tracks next to the canal with the powerful engines that pull boats into the locks, the buildings next to the canal. I think the only thing I did not see was the bird.

As I said before, I really enjoyed my trip to Panama and want to go back.

During the Covid-19 crisis, I am going to try and make a point of writing a blog post about an object in my home.

We’ll see how long this lasts.

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