

Whatchamacallit 101: Sky Airlines Sickness Bag

Back in May 2010, I desperately needed a vacation – it’s hard to describe how much I needed to get away in that moment.

I ended up in Antalya, Turkey, for several nights – flying Sky Airlines to and from the city.

The airsickness bag, one of only a small number I’ve ever taken […]

Whatchamacallit 100: Cola Willies Box

It’s been awhile since I featured something penile – so, today, the 100th Whatchamacallit, I went with my Cola Willies box.

The box and its contents were a present from a friend – somebody who clearly knows that I like penile objects (and the inspiration of penile objects).

I don’t recall what they tasted […]

Whatchamacallit 99: Parcs Québec Hat

Last fall I took a week off to explore and hike throughout The Gaspésie peninsula of Québec, Canada.

I extolled the virtues of my vacation last November – about a month after I got home. Even now, some 9 months after I was there, I miss that particular trip. My analysis of it in […]

Whatchamacallit 98: Shade

I miss when America was great.

During the Covid-19 crisis, I am going to try and make a point of writing a blog post about an object in my home.

We’ll see how long this lasts.

Whatchamacallit 97: Bull Head Bourbon

This Bull Head Bourbon, produced by the Lake George Distilling Company, is batch 62, bottle 95, bottled on October 24, 2019. From there, it was stuck on a truck and delivered, eventually, to a liquor store near Wall Street, which is where I purchased it between Christmas and New Year’s a few months ago.


Whatchamacallit 96: 1963 Red Seal $2 Bill

Few people see or use US$2 bills on a regular basis – even rarer is the above 1963 Red Seal $2 Bill.

While the modern $2 bill has an image of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, this one features Monticello.

Given the condition of this note, while it is probably […]

Whatchamacallit 95: Boston Red Sox Hat

I picked up this hat last August while visiting Boston – and going to two Red Sox games. I actually bought this the second night – and the decision to buy it was the Pride coloring.

Baseball is truly the sole sport that I enjoy watching – it’s relaxing and laid back – slow […]

Whatchamacallit 94: Whisky with a View

This painting, Whisky with a View, currently hangs above my whisk(e)y collection.

I bought it directly from Julie Galante, the artist, for £100 plus £12 shipping and handling in August 2016.

There are quite a few things that this painting reminds me: the obvious whisk(e)y connection, sitting above my whisk(e)y collection, the glimpse of […]

Whatchamacallit 93: Safe Zone Magnet from the University of Wyoming

Back during the 1997-98 academic year at the University of Wyoming, I did something brave and, for Wyoming, cutting edge: I took Safe Zone training.

I tried to do it on the sly, but outside the conference room I remember that I ran into a friend and somehow had to explain what I was […]

Whatchamacallit 92: Navajo Turquoise Bracelet

I bought the above turquoise bracelet in 2013 while visiting New Mexico – the same trip when I bought Whatchamacallit 18, the Navajo Plant Dye Chart.

As I’ve noted before, I am not really a huge jewelry person, rarely wearing it. This is one of those things that I rarely wear. That’s not to say […]