

Whatchamacallit 95: Boston Red Sox Hat

Boston Red Sox Pride Hat

I picked up this hat last August while visiting Boston – and going to two Red Sox games. I actually bought this the second night – and the decision to buy it was the Pride coloring.

Baseball is truly the sole sport that I enjoy watching – it’s relaxing and laid back – slow paced, even.

Going to Fenway Park last August was an experience. For the first game I sat near the field, close to home plate. Unfortunately, I mostly saw hawkers hawking shit – constantly blocking my view of the field. The second game was better – sitting high up along the first base line, the hawkers never blocked my view.

Fenway Park trades solely upon its history and the nostalgia that it engenders. It does not trade on comfort or sightlines.

That’s not to say that I did not have fun: I did.

If I were to ever betray the National League and cheer for an American League team (thus betraying my Father’s allegiance to, and belief in, the National League), I would choose the Red Sox.

During the Covid-19 crisis, I am going to try and make a point of writing a blog post about an object in my home.

We’ll see how long this lasts.

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