

Whatchamacallit 97: Bull Head Bourbon

Bull Head Bourbon

This Bull Head Bourbon, produced by the Lake George Distilling Company, is batch 62, bottle 95, bottled on October 24, 2019. From there, it was stuck on a truck and delivered, eventually, to a liquor store near Wall Street, which is where I purchased it between Christmas and New Year’s a few months ago.

It is one of two bottles that I purchased from the shop, the other was a whiskey distilled directly in New York City.

I chose this bottle because of its connection to Lake George – and my (loose) connection to Lake George.

As a kid, my paternal grandparents would summer in Upstate New York, north of Albany in the Adirondack State Park. My father took me there several times during summer vacations – with the largest nearby tourist trap being Lake George.

Which is why I bought the bottle – even though the distillery turns out to be some 15 miles from the actual village of Lake George. That’s close enough and more information than I had while standing in the liquor store in December.

I have a lot of fond memories of the region – even though I have zero intention of returning to the area anytime in the near future. It was a place that fit me as a kid: we played miniature golf in Lake George, we took steam boat tours of the lake, I convinced my father to take me to the Great Escape amusement park, and we visited the Cabot Cheese store in Vermont, just to name a small sample of things that I can (and do) think about when thinking about Lake George.

While in a Zoom meeting Thursday, I was mooned – not a Zoom bombing, just accidental – which reminded me of a Lake George Steamboat tour we took. At the time, we were sitting on an upper deck, left hand side (port side, you can tell that I’m not a nautical person, I had to look this up) of the boat, steaming back toward the dock in Lake George when a motor boat pulled up along side of us. Some man turned around, dropped his swimming suit, then the boat sped off.

Immediately thereafter, the man who was narrating the tour, said, “Hey, I thought the moonlight cruise was later tonight!”

As a little kid, I thought this was hysterically funny.

During the Covid-19 crisis, I am going to try and make a point of writing a blog post about an object in my home.

We’ll see how long this lasts.

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