In 2014, I went to Hawaii with a sibling – and we got lei’d upon arrival.
Yes – I went for the hokey Hawaiian tradition of getting flowers upon arrival so that we could feel as if we’d arrived, which of course we had. It was my 49th US State and my sibling’s 50th – one of the few “complete the sets” where I’ve not won.
The Lei came with the traditional orchids – but as fresh orchids are, at best, transitory, I also opted to get the Traditional Kukui Nut Lei – as shown here. This is the more “durable” and long-lasting lei – the lei that lasts for years, so-to speak.
I brought it back to Berlin and hung it with my special scarves, on my wire-man – so I see it as I enter my living room, multiple times during the day.
It’s simple, it sheds when moved around (a new discovery made today), and it evokes many pleasant Hawaiian memories.
During the Covid-19 crisis, I am going to try and make a point of writing a blog post about an object in my home.
We’ll see how long this lasts.
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