

Whatchamacallit 150: Wagon Wheel Bolo Tie by Craig Lamy

Wagon Wheel Bolo Tie

I bought this particular bolo tie on August 12, 2017 – so just over three years ago.

My receipt, from Keshi, states:

Sterling Silver +
mother-of-pearl, jet,
turquoise, coral,
lapis w/ leather
Wagon wheel
bolo tie

By Craig Lamy
= Zuni artist=

It cost 600.00, plus 49.88 in taxes; I paid with a Visa card.

I assume this Craig Lamy on Facebook is the correct one; I did not, in my casual searching, turn up any other information about him.

What sold me on this particular bolo tie is the fact that the two wheels on the front of the covered wagon actually rotate – fully functional spinning.

As soon as the salesperson showed it to me, I pulled out my credit card and was ready to pay.

What a magnificent piece of work – but again, as I noted before, I’m not a huge jewelry person, so I rarely wear it. Instead it is on display on my metal man in my living room – bringing a huge smile to my face every single time I look at it.

During the Covid-19 crisis, I am going to try and make a point of writing a blog post about an object in my home.

We’ll see how long this lasts.

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