A dear friend re-gifted me this XXX Pepper shaker as soon as the person who gave it to her left the house.
The friend’s friend cockily assumed that the friend wouldn’t mind a pepper shaker with, “Love From Amsterdam” written down the side of the shaft shaker (not visible in this photo).
What a prick of an assumption.
I graciously accepted the gift – it does fit, somehow, better into my apartment – though it is not really visible because, well, just because. No special reason.
My favorite thing about receiving this gift is that I flew home – so the shaker went into my backpack and I had the nice pleasure of being able to see what the inside of my backpack looked like on an airport x-ray machine – apparently a knob isn’t worth opening the bag to personally inspect, even if the security hunk agent is hot.
During the Covid-19 crisis, I am going to try and make a point of writing a blog post about an object in my home.
We’ll see how long this lasts.
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