This book is not the first copy of this book that I’ve owned.
The first copy of this book I got in either kindergarten or first grade – I would guess kindergarten, but logically it feels more like first grade.
It was free, a gift from RIF – Reading Is Fundamental – a program that, since 1966, gives books to children. I have this recollection of going into the library at Park Hill Elementary School – we must have been told we were each allowed to take one book – and this is the book that I found.
Apparently I was so enraptured with the book that, as my Mother used to say, that it was difficult for her to find out which book I had selected, since I was holding it so tightly.
It is, like most children’s book, ambiguous in its meanings and the story it tells – but, in this case, what does is brings back memories of elementary school and the time spent there.
During the Covid-19 crisis, I am going to try and make a point of writing a blog post about an object in my home.
We’ll see how long this lasts.
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