Last fall when Twitter started being destroyed, I set up an account on Mastodon – and after an initial burst of activity on Mastodon, I have reverted back to my Twitter-scale of use. (In other words, I don’t use it at all.)
That said, during my “active” time on Mastodon, I followed George Takei. […]
One of my family’s stories involves a very young Adam – but considering that I do not remember the story, I would presume it happened in the 1970s, roughly speaking.
We’d taken a family trip to Oregon – which is where my maternal grandmother lived. My maternal grandfather died before I was born.
I have […]
I bought the above bracelet in 2013 while visiting New Mexico – the same trip when I bought Whatchamacallit 18: the Navajo Plant Dye Chart and Whatchamacallit 92: Navajo Turquoise Bracelet.
This was bought at a place where you really can be in four places at once: Four Corners Monument.
Surely I didn’t pay […]
Last year, Elizabeth Warren was one of the presidential candidates I supported early on. Clearly, I am somewhat disappointed that she did not do better in the primaries. However, I am going to vote for Joe Biden, enthusiastically.
Is he my dream candidate? No.
Do I agree with everything he says or does? No.
I bought this particular bolo tie on August 12, 2017 – so just over three years ago.
My receipt, from Keshi, states:
Sterling Silver + mother-of-pearl, jet, turquoise, coral, lapis w/ leather cord.. Wagon wheel bolo tie
By Craig Lamy = Zuni artist=
It cost 600.00, plus 49.88 in taxes; […]
In 2015, I visited Albuquerque, New Mexico, for the first time in years – although I have relatives living in the city and I love Santa Fe, I do not visit New Mexico nearly enough.
This poster was a present from my relatives – capturing Route 66 going down Central Avenue, hinting at the […]
I bought this anklet on October 24, 2015, at Holuaola Gallery, which is in Holuaola, Hawaii.
According to the receipt, I paid $22.50, taxes of $0.94, making for a grand total of $23.44. I used a Visa card.
This is the only anklet I own – I bought it without trying it on, then […]
Last August I visited Boston where I walked the Freedom Trail.
While there’s a lot of good things to say about the Freedom Trail in theory (great idea!), practically speaking, it has many issues.
Certainly, I enjoyed many moments on the trail, including seeing this statue of Paul Revere with the famous North Church […]
I miss when America was great.
During the Covid-19 crisis, I am going to try and make a point of writing a blog post about an object in my home.
We’ll see how long this lasts.
Few people see or use US$2 bills on a regular basis – even rarer is the above 1963 Red Seal $2 Bill.
While the modern $2 bill has an image of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, this one features Monticello.
Given the condition of this note, while it is probably […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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