
January 2025


Eurovision 2009

I realize the contest isn’t until May 16th, but entries are starting to be finalized. Here are some thoughts about the upcoming contest.

United Kingdom: I suppose one must congratulate them on getting Andrew Lloyd Weber to write and compose the song. It will be extra painful when, like every year, it comes in one […]

‘08 Eurovision Favorites

So the morning of the first round of Eurovision semifinals, I had not listened to a single entry in this year’s contest.

I’ve made up for lost time in the last three days—my iPod has been plugged into my ears with the 43 tracks on constant rotation and I can now tell you which are […]

Eurovision ’07 Favorites, or not.

This year’s Eurovision Song Contest starts in just over a week, with the preliminary round held a week from Thursday.

I am very excited.

Now as I mentioned, I fagged out in Leipzig and made B. and Cathy go with me to Saturn where I picked up a copy of the 2007 Eurovision Double CD […]

Eurovision ‘07

I realize it is a bit on the early side, but I started getting Eurovision-anxiety when I saw that Israel had picked its song for 2007.

Apparently it’s a ditty about nuclear war—probably not quite the light hearted satire of Tom Lehrer’s “So Long, Mom (A Song for World War III).” I doubt that “Push […]

Eurovision 2006: Klingons Win!

Note: This was written while voting for Eurovision was in progress, and the follow-up, so it may seem to be a bit disjointed.

This year I decided against traveling anywhere to watch Eurovision with a group. Leipzig is starting its Gay Pride Week (err… Christopher Street Days) with a Eurovision Party, but I couldn’t work […]

Eurovision 2006

I’ve been a fan of the Eurovision Song Contest from before even understanding what it was exactly. Mind you, I first discovered the song contest in my mid-20s and I had no concept of it as being something that fags were interested in—I just knew that I cared about it.

Now, of course, I know […]

Weimar Atrium

Looking down… Originally uploaded by elmada.

Today is Black Friday, the day when stores in the States go from having lost money all year to turning a profit as the hordes of shoppers, fueled by Thanksgiving dinners, hit the stores at extremely early hours. I suppose the name comes from the fact that businesses […]

11:11 11/11 +1 & more

I haven’t really been in a writing mood the past couple of days—which is a shame.

Yesterday I missed the fact that it was Veteran’s/ Armistice/ Remembrance/ Fasching Day. Veteran’s Day in the United States to memorialize its war heros; Armistice Day in many countries (including France) to memorialize the end of World War I; […]


I’ve been mulling over how to respond to JP’s post “Might is Right?” His post was an outgrowth of a debate we had in the office kitchen about the war in Iraq. My biggest flaw in arguing with JP is admitting that I am actually ambivalent about the current war. Admittedly I have advocated the […]

Being British

I usually do not remember my dreams after waking, but last night I was having a dream about going through immigration at some airport in the United Kingdom. I had just been asked by the immigration official when I was leaving.

“Sunday, unless I get sick,” I said and my alarm went off.

It was […]