
February 2025


Thanks for stopping the kissing

Dear Principal Bell,

I just heard the fantastic news that a teacher at your school called the police after witnessing two 12 year olds kiss on the playground.

I think this is fantastic! Nothing like embarrassing two children by calling the cops. It’s unfortunate that the cops didn’t arrest the kids and toss them in […]

Correspondence with the Köln Bonn Airport after #WEBMU

From TQE to the Cologne Bonn Airport:

Warum Wasser kostet 3,15 € nach Sicherheit? Das ist viel teurer als in Souvenirläden in Köln.

Why does Water cost 3.15 € after security? That’s a lot more expensive than in souvenir shops in Cologne.

Response from the airport:

vielen Dank für Ihre E-Mail. Ihre Verärgerung über hohe […]

Found Letter: From a Soldier in Korea

A long time ago, back when I lived in Wyoming, I bought a used book and inside it found a letter from Lt. Mike A. Campbell written to Mr. Frank Campbell.

The letter was written back on July 24, 1977, (when I was 3 years old!) and mailed from an APO address, presumably Korea given […]

Lugar’s Response

Here is the response to my letter to Senator Lugar about S. 1023. Lugar, unlike Bayh, understood my concerns, even if we disagree.

Dear Mr. TQE:

Thank you for contacting me to share your concerns related to the revenue raising provisions in S. 1023, the Travel Promotion Act. I appreciate having the benefit […]

Bayh’s Response

Here is the response to my letter to Senator Bayh about S. 1023. I’m under the impression my letter was not read.

Dear Mr. TQE:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the fiscal condition of our country. I appreciate your thoughts and understand your concern on this important issue.

I am a longtime […]

S. 1023 is a bad idea.

Dear Senators Lugar and Bayh,

I am an American living in Weimar, Germany, and as my last residence was in Bloomington, Indiana, I am an Indiana voter.

As an American living in Germany I am acutely aware of how the United States is perceived by non-citizens. Actions by the US Congress that citizens resident in […]

Dear Senator Lugar,

I am a constituent of yours who currently lives in Germany. Before moving out of the US, I lived and voted in Bloomington, Indiana. Therefore, although I now reside in Weimar, Germany, as a US citizen, I still vote in Indiana

Senator Lugar, you are, without a doubt, the finest US Senator I’ve ever had […]

Covert Behavior

Today I received an alarming Action Alert from the American Family Association:

Dear Adam,

Planned Parenthood, the billion dollar corporate abortion provider, has taken immorality to a whole new level and is using your taxpayer dollars to spread its toxic propaganda.

A new Planned Parenthood promotional Web site (http://www.takecaredownthere.org/), which targets youth and is called […]

All Hail UCLA

Dear Police Chief Ross and Acting Chancellor Abrams:

I am disappointed to learn that you have decided to have an independent investigation of the incident in your Powell Library.

Clearly the Police were correct in demanding immediate obedience from the younger more ignorant and disrespectful generation. The fact that Mr. Tabatabainejad did not immediately leave […]

Thanks for upholding the law!

Principal John Schalk Carmody Middle School 2050 S. Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80227

Dear Principal Schalk,

As an American living in a foreign country, I felt compelled to write to you after hearing that you have successfully scared that seditious “teacher” Eric Hamlin out of your school.

It is most unfortunate that such a left […]