
September 2024


Podcasts I listen to (2022 Edition)

I’m fast approaching the three year mark of walking at least 10,000 steps every day, even on days when I travel and it is otherwise difficult.

A small celebration will occur when appropriate.

Many of my steps – I dare say close to most – have been accompanied by podcasts. Given that it’s probably […]

Whatchamacallit 84: Wyoming Press Association Announcement

Back when I started university, I wanted to be a journalist – so my first order of business was getting a job as a writer for the Branding Iron, the student newspaper.

I was pretty committed to the work, covering a wide variety of stories across the UW campus – and participating in extracurricular […]

Whatchamacallit 71: I will not act indigenous in class.

I bought the above painting while visiting Santa Fe, New Mexico.

According to my receipt, I paid $70 for it on October 22, 2015, at Keshi, the Zuni Connection – an absolutely amazing jewelry boutique located near the city center. I’ve actually returned and purchased additional goods there on subsequent trips.

The painting is […]

On my media choices: putting my money into quality journalism

I’ll admit it: I am a huge freeloader when it comes to news on the Internet: if it’s free, I’ll read it. If it’s not free… well, then it depends.

I’ve had a long-standing list of media that I would be happy to pay for: The Economist, The New York Times, and The Guardian.

And […]

History Colorado: Colorado has history, but it’s kind of shallow now.

Saturday morning, after having breakfast with one of my oldest friends, we headed over to the brand new History Colorado Center – brand new as it opened only a couple months ago.

The new museum replaces the old facility, which looked like a typewriter and was both one of my favorite buildings in downtown Denver […]

On (1) why Eurovision matters, and (2) why it had to be in Azerbaijan this year.

I neither got around to reviewing the second Eurovision semi-finals, nor to discussing the Eurovision Finals – badAdam.

I have a good excuse: I was exhausted and any free time I had this weekend, I was asleep. Friday’s super early alarm (4:30, after 5 hours of sleep) in combination with a late evening (home past […]

Marlboro marketers must not know what “>” means…

As most of you know, I’m not a huge fan of smoking for a myriad of reasons, but I have to confess that the geniuses behind Marlboro cigarette advertising campaign have caught my attention.

In fact, by some measure, their campaign must be a success because I’ve had several conversations about it.

The first wave […]

Journalists, Journalism, and Ethics

A long, long time ago, I aspired to become a journalist – I worked on the student newspaper at the University of Wyoming, The Branding Iron, and I harbored dreams of becoming a well known and well respected journalist in Wyoming.

Something funny happened on the way to fulfilling that dream and I ended up […]

Gay Pride Parade for One Man!

Small Town Throws Pride Parade For Only Gay Resident

Thinking Critically About the News

One thing that constantly amazes me is how people take things that they read or hear as truth without once questioning whether what they are reading or hearing is accurate.

Whether reading the Indianapolis Star, the Indiana Daily Student, the Economist, or The New York Times, I read critically—pondering whether or not what the writers […]