
February 2025


To the Stars: I saw George Takei in London

Last fall when Twitter started being destroyed, I set up an account on Mastodon – and after an initial burst of activity on Mastodon, I have reverted back to my Twitter-scale of use. (In other words, I don’t use it at all.)

That said, during my “active” time on Mastodon, I followed George Takei. […]

22: Matthew “Matt” Wayne Shepard – *December 1, 1976; †October 12, 1998


Twenty-two years.

Time is so fleeting – how the hell have 22 years passed?

I write this from my new home, still in Berlin, but some 7 kilometers from my old home.

One of the things about moving is that you must sort through all your belongings, even though you’ve forgotten that you own. […]

Whatchamacallit 172: Impolite, Arrogant Women Make History

Last year, Elizabeth Warren was one of the presidential candidates I supported early on. Clearly, I am somewhat disappointed that she did not do better in the primaries. However, I am going to vote for Joe Biden, enthusiastically.

Is he my dream candidate? No.

Do I agree with everything he says or does? No.


Whatchamacallit 163: Still Naked in Laramie

What a find this was: I started digging through my cupboard.

Either it is overstuffed or the flatpack cupboard is starting to see the end of its lifespan, some 17 years after it was initially assembled. I’ve had to reattach one of the doors about 3 times (an easy enough fix, but still….).

Maybe […]

Whatchamacallit 53: Stimulating Money.

Monday’s mails brought me my $1200 stimulus check.

Fuck you very much.

Nothing I say has not already been said about the insanity that is having an asshole’s name on the check. No: I am not an asshole; nor is Vena S. Robinson.

At the suggestion of a friend, I have already donated $1200 […]

Whatchamacallit 34: Obama 2012 Button

This button, which is attached to the bulletin board that hangs in the hallway to my kitchen, is a reminder of a better – no – great America: an America that could see a better future for everybody.

I really do not want to harp on how bad Donald Trump has been, is, or […]

On Policing In America.

Twenty-Sixteen is turning out to be a pretty hideous year on a number of fronts – it would be impossible to list all of the bad events – Orlando. Brussels. Paris. Dallas. The seemingly endless list of black people killed by the police – or just arrested due to their skin color.

The only times […]

Thanks to Todd Young and the other Republicans… I could not visit the Anasazi Heritage Center

The door was locked — no way to see the treasures of the Native Americans who lived in the region.

After loading up on cliff dwellings at the Ute Mountain Tribal Park and Mesa Verde National Park, today’s plan to visit the Anasazi Heritage Center was a bust.

All thanks to Todd Young, my […]

What a sense of relief that Obama was reelected…

Thanks to a vacation policy that I don’t quite understand, back at the end of September I was granted an extra day off this year, which I immediately applied toward taking today off.

As the election progressed, I came to realize that I would either be very happy or very depressed today, and in either […]

Hello Indiana’s 9th Congressional District! Who do I vote for?!

Despite my earlier ambivalence about voting in the 2012 elections, I am gung-ho and ready to participate in that thing which is American Democracy!

First up, of course, is the primary – and, this time around, there’s no question as to who will be the Democratic candidate for president. Consequently, I kind of set the […]