
January 2025


Berlin’s Hot! 97°F Hot!

…and with no air conditioning, per usual.

June has, to be blunt, hotted up nicely. With temperatures soaring above 30°C daily since Saturday, my ice cream sorbet consumption has soared.

This past weekend was a three-day weekend in Berlin (and, I suspect, most of Germany). Celebrating Whit Monday, this was the last legal holiday for […]

And the allergies are off to the races!

It the time of year that I suffer mightily from allergies – I have no idea which plant it is, but the plant took full advantage of the rains late last week to come out and bloom over the weekend.

Saturday I ended up taking anti-allergy drugs. One of the side effects of my anti-allergy […]

No time to write.

I noted recently that since moving to Berlin, my life’s become busy.

So, rather than ramble on and on about crap, here are the highlights of my life, right now:

First, the weather, although warm, is much nicer today than it was yesterday. Yesterday Berlin was a humid mess and it was sticky just walking […]

Eatin’ out the fridge…

I’m on the verge of leaving Berlin for a few weeks: off to America for a trip that is partially “vacation” (although given the state of my Father’s heath, I’m not sure that part of the trip is vacation) and partially work.

There’s actually a good balance of things: Denver for family, Fargo for friends, […]

Allergy Attack

My allergies have been slowly ramping up the last few weeks—until today when they accelerated in an effort to make my life completely miserable.

Runny nose, itchy eyes, rough throat—about the only thing I’m missing are hives—and here’s to hoping those stay away.


Today I invited somebody from the States over to my apartment for an afternoon of fun—fixing the washing machine, cooking dinner, and watching television.

Step 1 was seemingly easy until the machine decided it wasn’t fixed. The hole in the leaky hose was fixed with a new hose—but then when I turned on the machine, […]

Unrelenting Sneezing!

It was just about a month ago that I got really sick. At the time I thought it was a cold, but others, quite rightly, pointed out to me that it was probably actually the flu.

Whenever I get that kind of sick, it usually takes me awhile to get over it. The last lingering […]

Allergies Suck

Yesterday my neighbors pointed out that I had some lovely flowers blooming and that I ought to bring them into the house, so I brought this one into my house. Little did I know how allergic I was to this beautiful thing. This morning I decided to take it with me to the office […]