
September 2024


Whatchamacallit 12: Café du Monde by (Geri) Haywood

This painting represents New Orleans and is on the wall of my kitchen.

In my few quick minutes of googling, I cannot find any information about the artist, Haywood – other than the fact that her first name is Geri. She works in New Orleans, which makes sense: this is clearly New Orleans – […]

Mystery Solved: Barcelona

Drawing of Barcelona from 1972

For quite a few years, I have had a drawing on my living room wall of a street scene in Barcelona – it is the only piece of art I have that represents a place I had not been. Rather, it was a piece of art drawn by […]

Deliverance: Two Days into a Performance Art Piece in Prenzlauer Berg

See Deliverance on the Web…

This afternoon, after work, I popped over to Prenzlauer Berg in order to see Deliverance, a performance art piece where three artists, living in 30 square meters, depend on the kindness of strangers to survive for 10 days.

When they start, they have nothing except the 30 square meters: […]

Liszt Lebt!

Every year Weimar holds pèlerinages—an annual Kunstfest–that is, arts festival.

The arts festival fits in: Weimar is the European Capital of Culture (1999), and anything that preserves and protects the city’s image as a center of high culture is to be endorsed and adored.

It’s three weeks of music, exhibitions, dance, literature, discussion, and film […]

Chica’s a Superstar

Inside/Outside at Galerie Eigenheim

Friday night, after a busy morning of working and a long afternoon playing Weimar Tour Guide, I kicked up my heals and relaxed by heading to the Bauhausler Superstars exhibit at Galerie Eigenheim.

I got there a bit on the early side, but I was joined by ArtisticWorkColleague—a poet, photographer, […]

We have winners! Ian and Jul!

Seen in Rotterdam!

Ultimately I decided upon two Photo Contest winners: Ian in Hamburg for his “clean” responses of “Christmas Tree” and “Buttplug”, and Jul for the more accurate responses of “Buttplug” and “Buttplug.”

After taking the photo, I sent a link of it to one of my Dutch friends who doesn’t live in […]


As a part of work, I do my best to maintain relationships with people and organizations relevant to what I do, which brought me to Cheltenham, UK.

By happy coincidence, this trip to Cheltenham has coincided with the 2008 The Times Literature festival—something I was unaware of as I started my search for a hotel. […]

Bitten off too much?

So after the bomb that was the Superman Museum, I popped over to the National Quilt Museum, which was fantastic.

If any of you are ever near Paducah, Kentucky, I highly recommend taking the detour, forking over the $8, and exploring the museum. It’s incredible. There must have been 100 large quilts on display covering […]


The Cock: I started out last night by going to The Cock here in New York City. A couple of comparative notes—I got there at 11:15 because if I hadn’t, I would have stayed in bed and fallen asleep. 11:15 at The Cock was too early, unlike the bar I wanted to go to in […]

Schleckt Kunst

I am often intimidated by the art world when confronted with artists, so it was with a fair amount of trepidation Wednesday evening when I headed to the ACC-Weimar for a lecture by Ondrej Brody, a self-proclaimed “neo-Dadaist” Czech “artist” with No Nickname Guy and Chica.

He’s partners with (presumably in a platonic fashion) Rio-based […]