
January 2025


Don’t Be Stupid Fucking Tourists

I actually uttered this words on a bus earlier this year.

I was somewhere random and needed to go somewhere else random and, like magic, there happened to be a bus that connected the two points. You might think that this is a one off, but the professionals at BVG, the Berlin Public Transit Group, […]

Lance Armstrong, I never was impressed with him…

Lance Armstrong’s bicycle.

Today, while doing cardio at the gym, I noticed CNN announcing that Lance Armstrong has apparently told Oprah that he did use drugs.

It would be poetic if I could say that I watched this while spinning, but I was actually on the elliptical machine; spinning was accomplished Sunday and I […]

My New Toilet Seat!

Actually, I’m joking: I don’t actually have a new toilet seat yet.

There are, as we shall see, complications.

I love taking baths.

As you might recall from the photos of my apartment series (which I should restart before I forget), I have a pretty awesome bathroom—a huge bathtub, a nice window, and off […]

General John Sheehan is an ignorant fool.

Dutch fury at US general’s gay theory over Srebrenica.

Glad he’s retired. I wish he was muzzled. He’s an embarrassment.

Christian Litters on US 41 in Evansville, Indiana!

The state of Indiana has special license plates that serve identify the select special few, the Christian-Patriotic-Flag wavers who are otherwise under-represented in the state.

The plate, free to those who profess belief, are easily recognizable because they have a stars and stripes motif with large text proclaiming, “In God We Trust.”

Now I’m not […]


Dear DB & SNCF,

Ok, so my train from Frankfurt to Paris-Est (ICE 9556) is running approximately 22 minutes late.

I could be upset about this, or the fact that I had to cross platforms at Saarbrücken to board a different train set because of a “technical fault” with my train, but I am not.


Senator Lieberman: Go To Hell

I was silently jubilant Wednesday morning when I learned that Ned Lamont had managed to defeat Bush-Kissing Senator Lieberman in the Democratic Primary. My joy was tempered by the fact that Bush-Kissing Senator Lieberman had decided to run for Senate on the “Connecticut for Lieberman” ticket.

Now I am furious.

Bush-Kissing Lieberman is now suggesting […]