I actually uttered this words on a bus earlier this year.
I was somewhere random and needed to go somewhere else random and, like magic, there happened to be a bus that connected the two points. You might think that this is a one off, but the professionals at BVG, the Berlin Public Transit Group, […]
Lance Armstrong’s bicycle.
Today, while doing cardio at the gym, I noticed CNN announcing that Lance Armstrong has apparently told Oprah that he did use drugs.
It would be poetic if I could say that I watched this while spinning, but I was actually on the elliptical machine; spinning was accomplished Sunday and I […]
Actually, I’m joking: I don’t actually have a new toilet seat yet.
There are, as we shall see, complications.
I love taking baths.
As you might recall from the photos of my apartment series (which I should restart before I forget), I have a pretty awesome bathroom—a huge bathtub, a nice window, and off […]
Dutch fury at US general’s gay theory over Srebrenica.
Glad he’s retired. I wish he was muzzled. He’s an embarrassment.
The state of Indiana has special license plates that serve identify the select special few, the Christian-Patriotic-Flag wavers who are otherwise under-represented in the state.
The plate, free to those who profess belief, are easily recognizable because they have a stars and stripes motif with large text proclaiming, “In God We Trust.”
Now I’m not […]
Dear DB & SNCF,
Ok, so my train from Frankfurt to Paris-Est (ICE 9556) is running approximately 22 minutes late.
I could be upset about this, or the fact that I had to cross platforms at Saarbrücken to board a different train set because of a “technical fault” with my train, but I am not.
I was silently jubilant Wednesday morning when I learned that Ned Lamont had managed to defeat Bush-Kissing Senator Lieberman in the Democratic Primary. My joy was tempered by the fact that Bush-Kissing Senator Lieberman had decided to run for Senate on the “Connecticut for Lieberman” ticket.
Now I am furious.
Bush-Kissing Lieberman is now suggesting […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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