In July I wrote about Berliner Luft, the soap bubbles.
Now it is about Berliner Luft, a peppermint liquor that is best not drunken.
However, 2.5 years ago I bought this bottle to celebrate the fact that I’d purchased some “Berliner Luft,” as in a few cubic meters of air high in the sky.
Last night I kind of nerded out and started sorting through a massive stack of paperwork that’s accumulated over the past month – there’s something cathartic about sorting through all of it, punching holes in documents and putting them in binders.
Maybe that’s not nerding, per se, but a sign of being too German.
I […]
I’ve been doing a bit of thinking about the expats that I know and whether or not they own their own home and – ignoring those that are married to locals – I can only think of one expat who owns their own home.
Naturally I can understand why many expats might not buy their […]
Hot tea, iPhone charging, MacBook, and the rest of my home environment.
The view from my office window.
Although I do not really mind being single, I do mind living alone.
Here’s the downside of living alone: I have to do everything.
Laundry: Me. Hanging wet laundry: Me Folding and putting away clean clothes: Me Going grocery shopping: Me Cooking dinner: Me Washing dishes: Me Putting away dry dishes: Me Cleaning out the […]
It’s hard to believe, but in a week I will be in Weimar.
Ok, that was a bit of a tease, but in just over a week, I won’t be here—off on another one of my adventures to the New World: Hoosierland and Oregon. While I realize I was last in Hoosierland quite recently, the […]
When I am on the cusp of travel, I start playing a mental game: where will I be in 24 hours; or 48 hours. Toward the end of travel, it inverts: Where was I 24 hours ago.
24 hours ago, as I write this on the train to Weimar, I was in asleep in southern […]
And since I am home, I am doing the first thing I always do upon my return home.
I will write more substantive stuff tomorrow—but for now I want to give CQ a chance to catch up and post something with his own impressions of the trip. I have the next post pretty much […]
Well, I’m back in Weimar. I arrived this afternoon and was greeted by a neighbor with a friendly “back, again?” according to Anja’s translation.
And back I am. Between my laundry and the left-over laundry, I have at least six more loads to wash to run through the washer. Some how my two pair of […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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