
January 2025


Whatchamacallit 180: Berliner Luft (part 2)

In July I wrote about Berliner Luft, the soap bubbles.

Now it is about Berliner Luft, a peppermint liquor that is best not drunken.

However, 2.5 years ago I bought this bottle to celebrate the fact that I’d purchased some “Berliner Luft,” as in a few cubic meters of air high in the sky.


More fun than I expected…

Last night I kind of nerded out and started sorting through a massive stack of paperwork that’s accumulated over the past month – there’s something cathartic about sorting through all of it, punching holes in documents and putting them in binders.

Maybe that’s not nerding, per se, but a sign of being too German.

I […]

For the expatriates out there: Why have you, or haven’t you, bought your home?

I’ve been doing a bit of thinking about the expats that I know and whether or not they own their own home and – ignoring those that are married to locals – I can only think of one expat who owns their own home.

Naturally I can understand why many expats might not buy their […]

Working at home today.

Hot tea, iPhone charging, MacBook, and the rest of my home environment.

The view from my office window.



My Livingroom


On the Downside of Living Alone

Although I do not really mind being single, I do mind living alone.

Here’s the downside of living alone: I have to do everything.

Laundry: Me. Hanging wet laundry: Me Folding and putting away clean clothes: Me Going grocery shopping: Me Cooking dinner: Me Washing dishes: Me Putting away dry dishes: Me Cleaning out the […]

Time Flies

It’s hard to believe, but in a week I will be in Weimar.

Ok, that was a bit of a tease, but in just over a week, I won’t be here—off on another one of my adventures to the New World: Hoosierland and Oregon. While I realize I was last in Hoosierland quite recently, the […]

24 Hours

When I am on the cusp of travel, I start playing a mental game: where will I be in 24 hours; or 48 hours. Toward the end of travel, it inverts: Where was I 24 hours ago.

24 hours ago, as I write this on the train to Weimar, I was in asleep in southern […]

Yeah… I’m home

And since I am home, I am doing the first thing I always do upon my return home.


I will write more substantive stuff tomorrow—but for now I want to give CQ a chance to catch up and post something with his own impressions of the trip. I have the next post pretty much […]

“Wieder da?”

Well, I’m back in Weimar. I arrived this afternoon and was greeted by a neighbor with a friendly “back, again?” according to Anja’s translation.

And back I am. Between my laundry and the left-over laundry, I have at least six more loads to wash to run through the washer. Some how my two pair of […]