
February 2025



Barely back from my trip, I’m already packing for my next trip.

Tomorrow night I’ll be in Frankfurt spending time in the only two decent places in town: my hotel room and a restaurant where I haven’t ever gotten food poisoning.

Thursday morning I fly.

Efficient Weekend

Despite the fact that I am not going to be physically leaving town for something like 48 hours, I am ready.

Twenty-four hours ago, I was still in a state of panic.

Since returning from Rotterdam, it’s been a busy week. Wednesday afternoon I discovered somebody I needed to talk to was in town—thus saving […]

Frankfurt CSD & More

Whilst my dinner plans fell through (my colleague never showed and I did not have a handy with me), it turns out that this weekend is Christopher Street Days in Frankfurt—and my hotel, which I inaccurately called a “seedy hotel” was actually quite nice and just a block from the main stage for Friday’s beer […]


Even though my flight does not leave until, essentially, early evening, I am already in Indianapolis.

My objective in Indy was to stop by Out Word Bound Books to pick up the latest mystery by Anthony Bidulka, Stain of the Berry. Bilduka, the gay Canadian author I discovered last summer, is not readily available at […]

On the Road

Again. I know, I just got back so it seems a bit odd, but I am on the road again. This time a week in Indiana, USA.

Via Berlin.

I chose to do a double connection from Berlin instead of the single connection from Frankfurt because, as I explained to several people, I want something […]

My Queer Weekend

I left Weimar this weekend for a number of reasons—the specific ones are not especially important. As you might recall, my original plan was to go used underwear shopping in Berlin, but ended up going to Frankfurt, Trier, and (as I write this, enroute to) Antwerp.

Suffice it to say, Frankfurt continues to disappoint. I […]

Personal Hell

If I were to write a script where I was putting myself through hell, it would look something like this:

I arrive somewhere not realizing that “somewhere” is on the verge of breaking out in celebration or protest. I check into my hotel and am warned that a private party might be disruptive. I stay […]


It seems what one can easily buy across the street from Frankfurt’s train station was available in the region eons ago.

Only in stone.

Gay… … … life?

My sister arrives in Weimar tomorrow and Sunday has been designated Goethe Day—we will do as much Goethe in one day in one town as we can.

Next week she and I will rent a Smart Car and explore the surrounding region, before hopping a train to Mainz on Wednesday to see Gutenberg Press related […]