
January 2025


Whatchamacallit 156: Martin Luther as a cookie cutter

In 2017, Germany celebrated Martin Luther and the 500th anniversary of the reformation.

I observed the celebration by going to Canada.

Before I left, I did buy Martin Luther as a cookie cutter – which is displayed on the shelf behind my couch. It has never been used for its designed purpose.

Even I, […]

Whatchamacallit 86: Brandenburg Tor as Cookie Cutter

I picked up the above cookie cutter at some kind of street market – it is part of my small collection of Brandenburg Tor shaped trinkets, which I have featured twice before: as a brush (day 47) and as a nanoblock construction (day 67).

As a useful cookie cutter, this Brandenburg Tor suffers from […]

Whatchamacallit 61: Baking is gay

I realize that I am a difficult person to buy presents for – I have a quirky sense of humor that is hard to define and understand.

The above is a present that one person got right: my baking is gay tea-towel.

It’s utterly ridiculous, yet perfect.

Rather than actually using it, I’ve hung […]

So, Tuesday was my birthday…

Tuesday was not a productive day at work: I’d baked two batches of Butterscotch Cookies and brought them to the office with me in order to celebrate my birthday.

As somebody who’s worked with a surprisingly large number of colleagues, the German tradition of bringing sweets to the office to celebrate your own birthday is […]

Test Driving Another Coffee Shop: Mokalola

I know that a month or so ago I praised Sankt Oberholz as my new potential regular coffee shop – but it hasn’t actually become my regular haunt – in part because it’s a 45 minute trip by U-Bahn, each way, to the coffee shop, and when I want coffee, that’s a long time.

18:00 CET: Makin’ Meatloaf

Looking into my kitchen!

When I woke up this morning I had no idea what I would be doing at 18:00 this afternoon.

My original plan post-work plan was to go shopping and pick up some goods for my upcoming trip, then hit up a grocery store, and then make my way home. But […]

Friday Night, at home.

Federweißer with pizza fixings in the background.

Before going into the oven. I forgot to take the baked picture…


Christmas Markets are Hunky-dory!

I’ve now been to a lot of Christmas Markets here in Berlin: Alexanderplatz, Alexa, Rathaus Spandau, the Adventsökomarkt, and the Lucia Weihnachtsmarkt (at the Kulturbrauerei). At the same time I have a new personal best: I’ve had, so far, four Glühwein at Christmas Markets this year. The best Glühwein so far was at a hut […]

Baking Sugar Cookies!

After one of my colleagues did me a favor, I offered to bring her a bottle of wine, or something.

She rejected my offer and said, “I want Christmas cookies!”

So I thought, “sure, why not?”

I was going to make cutout cookies, but given how much work I’ve had to accomplish this weekend, I […]

Sugar Shock: Coca-Cola Cake

All Germans who ate my Coca-Cola Cake agreed: it’s very very sweet. And very American.

Coca-Cola Cake

Preheat oven to 350F/175C (while heating toast 1 cup (0.24l) chopped pecans in oven for Coca-Cola Icing, see below)

Combine: 1 cup (225g) butter, 2 cups (220g) flour, 3/4ths cup (170g) sugar, 3 TBS Cocoa, 1 TSP Buttermilk, […]