
January 2025


Whatchamacallit 39: Bloomington Memories

Color this another “annoyed” whatchamacallit – today I am supposed to heading to Bloomington, Indiana, for a few days – some meetings, many friends, an escape from work. Instead, of course, I am working from home in Berlin.

I have been ruminating about my representations of Bloomington – a city I lived in for […]

He wears 98: Jason Collins and why Matthew Shepard still matters.

Yesterday evening, while I was busy working on a project, two friends let me know that an NBA player had come out as gay.

Jason Collins, a 34-year-old, free agent, basketball player took the leap out of the closet in the pages of Sports Illustrated.

It’s cool and I would have let it float past […]

18:00 CET: I took the (cute) bus to downtown Laramie

It’s Thursday in Laramie, Wyoming, and I decided to go downtown to do a little shopping and a little coffee drinking – and while I could have driven downtown in, uh, give or take 5 minutes, I took the Gem City Grand Bus Route – which, between my hotel and downtown, makes […]

This is Indiana

One thing that I do now, more than I did in the past, is think about the messages that what t-shirts I wear, say. Consequently, I’m buying fewer random t-shirts and wishing I had more of some messages.

For example, at the gym I wear duds for the Wyoming Cowboys (I wish I had more) […]

American Seen

Today I finally downloaded all the pictures off of my camera and uploaded many of them to Flickr–mostly from my recent trip to America. The American Scene is varied and fun, and I thought I would present you some highlights.


Bloomington has a Liberal Green Ethic running through it that […]

My Genes Suck

It’s exciting—by this time tomorrow, my furniture will be in my new apartment.

Unfortunately T-Com doesn’t come until Thursday, so I will probably be back here at my friends’ place, not just to take care of the cats, but to check my email. My friends are off on one of their well deserved vacations, and […]

Science City Jena

The best local player at Jena’s basketball tent/arena was not a member of the Science City Jena basketball team.

It was the local who made a shot from slightly beyond the 3-point line, thus winning 800€.

He was also probably the only local player who could run around the court quickly, jump up and down, […]

Tom Coverdale

I just googled Tom Coverdale, and he’s now “Director of Basketball Operations” at the University of Louisiana Monroe.

I still think he’s cute.

Will you please marry me Tom?

Back Home Again…

So I am in Bloomington.

This fact became immediately apparent Saturday morning when I went to Target with a friend, and the friend, an IU fanatic, headed straight to the electronics department in order to listen to the conclusion of the IU-Purdue basketball game. There we joined about 15 other fanatics (customers and employees) listening […]