
February 2025


Nine Euros – A Great Summer

I’m a huge fan of Germany’s experiment with public transport this summer: 9€/month for unlimited local transit across the entire country?


Strangely, though, I’ve not really taken advantage of it, other than my trips to the airport, I’ve been out to the northern end of the S1 (Oranienburg), the northern end of the S25 […]

Now that I’ve moved…

I moved across Berlin back in September 2020 – thankfully during a “pause” of sort in the pandemic. Despite having been around a large number of people who were instrumental in my successful move (movers, my handyman, people installing lots of stuff), I managed to not get Corona.


… and I still have not […]

Baseball Thoughts…

Earlier this summer I attended a few Berlin Flamingos baseball games – for the first time in two years, since last summer was, well, coronaed.

One cool thing about the Flamingos is that their home field is about an hour long walk from my new home, meaning that – if I want to – I […]

On Googling the Past

Every so often I wonder what happened to various people from my past.

Thanks to Google, I can give it a go.

Earlier this year I googled one of my contemporaries from the University of Wyoming – his name had popped into my head randomly and I wondered what had become of him. Google, of […]

4709; Two too low.

Sometimes it is in random moments that things said to you years ago make sense.

For example, I recall once listening to my paternal grandmother complain about the address of her apartment in New York City.

“I’m so disappointed in whomever picked the house number. Why 4709? It could have been named after a cologne!”


Whatchamacallit 180: Berliner Luft (part 2)

In July I wrote about Berliner Luft, the soap bubbles.

Now it is about Berliner Luft, a peppermint liquor that is best not drunken.

However, 2.5 years ago I bought this bottle to celebrate the fact that I’d purchased some “Berliner Luft,” as in a few cubic meters of air high in the sky.


Whatchamacallit 178: BVG Hat

I’ve never worn this hat.

This was a giveaway from the BVG – Berlin’s public transit agency – during Berlin’s Christopher Street Day (Berlin Pride) several years ago. Which year, I cannot recall.

The hat folds up tightly and neatly into the yellow bag on the left, along side the whistle in front.

I […]

Whatchamacallit 129: Berliner Luft (Part 1)

A year or two ago I was in a la-di-da kids shop, Kleine Gesellschaft, in Prenzlauer Berg, where I stumbled upon “Berliner Luft.”

It’s the kind of kids shop that is so upscale and pretentious that it has its own brand toys.

This is, simply put, a bottle of soapy water, complete with one […]

Whatchamacallit 121: Servant and Cum Dump

Servant. Cum Dump.

I picked up these two buttons last fall during the Berlin Porn Film Festival, an annual orgy of respectable pornography.

They were offered for free in the gender-neutral bathroom that included urinals. I never checked out the gender-neutral bathroom that lacked urinals to determine if they were being widely distributed.


Whatchamacallit 117: miniaturwelt mit chili und polizei

I bought this piece of art at the Winterfeldtmarkt a few years ago – I have no idea how much I paid for it, but it was probably 20€ or less.

The backside has a small sticker indicating it is from Jannis Miniaturwelten, Berlin, along with the URL: http://www.jannis-miniaturwelten.de/ — which still works.

I […]