
September 2024


Stylin’ – getting a new groove on…

For those of you who haven’t looked at my blog since, uh, this evening, welcome to the newly restyled TQE site.

I actually downloaded the new theme about a month ago – because while I liked the old theme, the original author hadn’t actually updated it for… uh… years. I think the most recent updates […]

Happy 8th Anniversary to My Blog!

Some how I missed the fact that I converted elmada.com to the blog format 8 years ago Sunday – so I’m celebrating it this evening.


I had three posts that first Thursday…

Personal Blogging Ethics at TQE | That Queer Expatriate | elmada.com

I’ve been meaning to do this for a few years – but have been too lazy to actually do it. However, some external events have prompted me to lay out a few things so that in the event anybody has any questions, I can point them to this blog post.

First, should I ever blog […]

WEBMU 2012 – Those Whiney Expatriate Bloggers are picking a Meet-Up Spot

It’s springtime in Germany and, therefore, time to talk about where the English speaking expatriate bloggers living in Germany are going to get together in the fall to complain about Germany…

Gosh, that sounds convoluted:

If you are an English speaking, expatriate blogger based in Germany and want to join the 2012 meet-up for people […]

Yes, I am gay. Yes, I am male. Yes, I hear. Yes, I’m an American in Berlin.

I’m not a hetero male blogger claiming to be lesbian, deaf, or kidnapped.

For lazy bloggers—but not me!

I realize that I have been posting somewhat irregularly and infrequently the last couple of months – life’s been busy. Sorry.

However I just got an offer through email that could solve all my problems:

Dear Adam,

My name is Sarah from Article Writing Services. We have a client who would like to pay you […]

I’ve gone from ranting about working out to ranting about work.


I’ve been drowning in work for the last two months—but I am happy to report that I have made significant headway on my work queue. I’ve gone from having ten items on it to four—and am feeling a lot less stressed. Of the four items on the queue, one is half done and the […]

On Freedom of Speech—especially anonymous speech.

One of my favorite things about the United States is its Constitution—in particular the first amendment to the Constitution, which reads,

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to […]

The bloggers I most want to meet, 2011 Edition

Every so often I sit back and think about the bloggers I want to meet.

Sometimes I tell them, sometimes I don’t.

This time I’m sharing the list with you—and it is in no particular order, so don’t read anything into the sequencing.

The Texpatriate: The Texpatriate is a Texan living in Norway. Her upstairs […]

It is hereby resolved that…

Ah, it’s the end of the year – time for housekeeping, of sorts.

Maybe a resolution, or two.

I guess there are two resolutions that I’m making for 2011.

First, I will continue to go to the gym, every other day, when practically possible.

Although I’ve been planning on starting the gym […]