Below is my piece for the Wyoming Monologues, a performance put on at the University of Wyoming last night, March 8, 2013, following a performance of the Vagina Monologues. I owe a debt of gratitude to Ian, Stephan, Jay, Alexander, and Bonnie for their helpful comments during the writing process. Further, it would […]
I have a lot of photos that I haven’t gotten around to uploading as promptly as I should have. Today I managed to upload a few and I thought I would share three of my favorite shots out of the bunch. You can, of course, see all of my photos on my Flickr stream.
USA's 747-200
Unfortunately the earlier hopes that Obama would visit Weimar after honoring the victims of Buchenwald were dashed. This means that I didn’t get to meet or see the president, although I did get to see the president’s 747 out my bedroom window.
(Boy am I being myopic!)
Anyhow, after the president toured […]
Eat an Amerikaner Cookie with Obama!
It’s still not clear whether or not President Obama will be visiting Weimar or not. I’m not privy to any insider information, but it’s my impression that the president will visit Buchenwald and then leave the area–which would be a shame. Not only would I not be able […]
I’ve been contemplating history of late.
There’s been so much interaction with history in my life, of late, that I could spew out on the subject for hours, uninterrupted. Naturally I would probably be repetitive, but there are a lot of cross-thematic links that have been mentally cropping up of late.
Buchenwald and Heart Mountain […]
Charles T. Payne, US Soldier during WWII in Thüringen
Yesterday Obama was on the front page of the Thüringer Allgemeine, today it’s his great uncle, Charles T. Payne–and there’s an interview with his uncle in the paper (Read Here, but only today, the website doesn’t seem to have permalinks) talking about his time here […]
News from Germany today: Apparently President Obama is planning to visit Weimar June 5th, specifically Buchenwald, which his uncle, Charles T. Payne, helped liberate at the end of World War II.
See more below, in German:
Obama will Kanzleramt-Visite bei Merkel vermeiden (Spiegel Online) Obama in Weimar (Thüringer Allgemeine) US-Präsident Obama besucht Thüringen (Südthüringer Zeitung) […]
Life is, right now, quite hectic.
The whirlwind of activity surrounding CQ’s visit to Weimar ends tomorrow morning when he boards a train for the airport and his trip back across the pond home.
It will be a sad moment—having guests is a catalyst for doing things in your hometown that you might otherwise have […]
The Northwest Ladybug had an excellent idea for a photo meme.
She wanted to know what other bloggers saw outside their windows as they wrote about their day/life/whatever. She immediately posted a picture of her backyard.
Here’s what I see from my balcony and from my kitchen: Buchenwald. It’s a haunting reminder of Germany’s past, […]
I am a bit pissed right now.
Angry, actually.
I’m not sure if I should blame George W. Bush for the idiotic war in Iraq, the Marines for failing to train their soldiers adequately, or the individual marines who misbehave whilst in Al Haditha and in Iraq in general.
It’s absolute bullshit: and I have […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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