As a part of work, I do my best to maintain relationships with people and organizations relevant to what I do, which brought me to Cheltenham, UK.
By happy coincidence, this trip to Cheltenham has coincided with the 2008 The Times Literature festival—something I was unaware of as I started my search for a hotel. […]
I am in Cheltenham Spa for a day of meetings—and they’ve gone well. I’ve also managed to get set up with a suave desk and an Internet connection so that I can work.
At the expense of going out, I finally finished the big project—on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—so I emailed it off and […]
So whilst I am going to the UK to have several meetings (London, Cheltenham), meetings will not be the only thing I do whilst there.
I fully plan on having fun with a trip to the Tate Modern (and a ride down its famous slides), doing a London Walk, or two, and whatever else can […]
So the theme of my first two traveling days revolves around trains and transportation.
The first day of the journey was a headache-the first, and really only thing, to go as scheduled and designed was the train at 07:30 from Weimar Berkaer Bahnhof to Weimar Hauptbahnhof, arriving on-time at 07:35.
Unfortunately that was it-and had […]
So, today (Wednesday) I am off on my first business trip since moving to Weimar. I am going to Cheltenham to visit Edward Elgar Publishing. Saturday, weather permitting, will involve a trip to Warwick Castle–a medieval amusement park.
I probably won’t post anything again until Sunday night, unless I get some time logged on somewhere.
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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