
February 2025


3D Pittsburgh

Yesterday I’d agreed to meet somebody on the CMU campus at noon—so I decided that I would walk to campus, explore it, and then find his office.

I had a handy map from my hotel and I followed the streets thinking that I would end up on campus by walking down a street named Boundary, […]

Teachable Moment

In my educational career I’ve taken several seminar and classes on how to teach.

Personally I never had any doubt about my abilities to teach, but I can remember in many of these seminars that graduate students, both new and old, would ask questions that indicated that the thing they feared most was the prospect […]

Before Nifty

It’s hard for me to imagine what the world was like before two critical events: Stonewall and the Internet.

Stonewall was the most critical moment in the gay rights movement in the twentieth century, the moment when the drag queens of New York City told the police that the harassment had to end and that […]

Christmas Time. Or Not.

It just occurred to me that my internal clock consistently confounds me.

I am mostly finished with my Christmas shopping—seriously. I bought presents for my family in South Africa, Armenia, Portugal, and Germany. There are a few more presents to buy—things where freshness counts, but not that much. When I took Lindt Christmas Chocolate to […]

Can’t Lose

A couple days ago, at the office, one of my colleagues brought up something that reminded both of us of an early ‘90s television sitcom—while I struggled to remember its name, he blurted out “Parker Lewis Can’t Lose.”

Not only were we thinking of the same television show, apparently the TV show was an international […]

Need an education?

If you’re undecided about what classes to take in college, I just ran across a list of the 12 best courses to take, plus eight more that ought to be just as good.

Maybe the Disenchanted Youth can make this list.

Check out the so-called “Dirty Dozen.”

Gays in the Military

I’ve been rereading José Zuniga’s book Soldier of the Year (?1994). It’s kind of strange as its taking me back to the early years of the Clinton administration. I still remember the early months of Clinton’s first term quite clearly-in part because I was taking a class on political campaigning at the University of Wyoming […]