Sometimes it is in random moments that things said to you years ago make sense.
For example, I recall once listening to my paternal grandmother complain about the address of her apartment in New York City.
“I’m so disappointed in whomever picked the house number. Why 4709? It could have been named after a cologne!”
I’m not really a cologne person – or as one of my friends calls perfumes and colognes, “smells.”
This bottle of tommy is one of three smells that I own – and I rarely wear it.
But when I smell it, it takes me back to the first time.
He wore it.
Consequently, for […]
From TQE to the Cologne Bonn Airport:
Warum Wasser kostet 3,15 € nach Sicherheit? Das ist viel teurer als in Souvenirläden in Köln.
Why does Water cost 3.15 € after security? That’s a lot more expensive than in souvenir shops in Cologne.
Response from the airport:
vielen Dank für Ihre E-Mail. Ihre Verärgerung über hohe […]
This was my second trip to Cologne and this one was vastly different from the first. That said, both were great and I would happily return to Cologne to party, either with, or without, my wunderbar expat friends.
Perhaps the best time of day in Cologne was the evening – preparing for drinking lots of […]
I’m back in Berlin recovering from the 2011 Whiney Expatriate Blogger Meet-Up, which was held in Cologne this year.
The 2011 WEBMU was fantastic and I heartily thank our fantastic hosts for putting together a very nice program that included lots of beer, a nice tour of the city, and a lot more beer.
As […]
Starting Friday I have a ton of cool stuff going on!
Well, it starts with the dentist.
Then I’m off to WEBUM 2012 – in Köln – and this trip will knock my current tenth place airline down a notch. Am happy about that since the current tenth place airline is RyanAir. And I won’t […]
This year the Whiney Expatriate Blogger Meet-Up (WEBMU) is going to be October 21 through 23, in Köln.
For those of you unfamiliar with WEBMU, it’s an annual meet-up of English language bloggers based in Germany. During the meet-up, we get a tour of the host city, share meals, and, on Saturday night, go on […]
Just in time for last minute gift giving, Burger King has released Flame, a Whopper Scented men’s cologne:
A Whopper you can eat…
Still can’t think what to get him for Christmas? Socks don’t seem to cut it any more? Fret no longer because Burger King is here to help.
The mass purveyor of […]
I’m spending tonight in Köln which is a fantastically beautiful city.
It’s also a city with at least four rent boy gay bars within a three block radius of my hotel, and, surprisingly, no gay dance club near here. I’m disappointed for while I enjoy hustler bars and talking to hookers, I’m not in the […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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