
September 2024


The Upper Midwest (Almost to 48!)

Ah, it occurs to me that I will soon visit my 48th state, and before I do, I want to knock off my key memories of the rest of the country.

So, starting with Wisconsin, my main memory is visiting the site of Little House in the Big Woods, another Laura Ingalls Wilder stop – […]

Join the Impact

Saturday, November 15, at 1:30p EST / 12:30p CST / 11:30a MST / 10:30a PST, you can Join The Impact, a national protest against California Prop 8 and other anti-gay marriage initiatives.

I’ll be joining the one in DC—but there are protests all across America. You can find a local protest by checking out the […]


My time in Washington is done, and it’s time for New York City.

I never got around to downloading the rest of my photos from DC, so you’re probably going to have to wait until I am back at home for me to download the photos from my camera and then upload them to the […]


I know that I usually leave my house shortly after 7:30 each morning, but usually that follows a 10 or 10:30 bedtime. Last night I got to bed at midnight and I was out the door at 6:30 in order to get to the DuPont Circle Starbucks by 7, to make sure that there was […]

What’s Next?

I’ve done a lot of walking since getting to DC—visiting a lot of places and doing a lot of things: Arlington, Vietnam Veterans War Memorial, World War II Memorial, and Korean War Memorial—to name a few.

All of this time I’ve been wondering to myself the very question posed in the comments by Ed: What […]

Respect and Honor, II

Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Dusk 29 September 2007. Pax.

Respect and Honor

On the other side of the Potomac River from The Mall is Arlington National Cemetery, and it was my destination for the day. And now I don’t know where to begin because Arlington National Cemetery single handedly brings up a myriad of topics to consider, both personal and political.

I guess I’ll start with the […]

Bad Week Ahead

I can already tell that this is going to be a rough week in America: I woke at 1:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep until after 3:30.


The first part of my trip to America was not that great. I got up a bit earlier than planned in Frankfurt, got cleaned up and […]

Where’s the Adapter

I have packed more carefully for this trip than the last trip: I’ve remember my passport and it is already in my pocket.

In half an hour I’ll be getting on the train to Frankfurt.

Meanwhile, this entry is rushed because I’d misplaced the electric adapter for my computer: I remembered seeing it yesterday, but […]