
January 2025


Frohes Weihnacht!

I guess it is safe to say that Christmas is, essentially, here.

There’s one last night in Weimar before I head off to the States for a short period of time when I will see my parental units, siblings, and nephews. I suspect that it will be just like previous years, for the most part.


Where am I?

Although the weather outside is frightful, the snow is falling straight down, as opposed to blowing down, which means that when the snow has been shoveled, it doesn’t immediately blow right back to where it had come from. Accordingly, it is fairly easy to get around today.

I’m at the Diedrich Coffeeshop near my […]

Cabin Fever, Happy Holidays

Sorry about the long absence: Dial-up is too slow to upload pictures and the weather discouraged me from walking over to Perk Hill—Christmas Eve morning a storm blew in, rattling the trees and making it uncomfortable to walk. Later in the day, just before the house descended into chaos, it snowed again.

Today I made […]

Queer Coffee

Recently, on one of my trips to the States, I was at a coffee shop where 100% of the male clientele was gay and 80% of the females were lesbians.

I was there to get some work done.

The cool part was that there was a guy there who I thought was cute. I mean, […]

Denver, Colorado

A funny thing occurred to me on my way to the very gay Diedrichs at the corner of 9th and Downing in the gay Denver neighborhood. Somewhere between 1992 and today, either I’ve become cooler or Denver’s become cooler.

No longer does Denver seem to suck so badly. I think I can actually understand why […]