Considering how little time I’ve lived in Weimar (four years), this city keeps making the pages of The Economist at an unbelievable rate. Take this week: Weimar: Up from the ashes.
My previous homes of Denver, Laramie, and Bloomington, have either not made it in at all, or have appeared a number of times appropriate […]
Here in London, much of the news about Beckham going to America focuses on two things: (1) How much money is involved; and (2) How Beckham going to America will transform soccer making it popular in America.
My responses: (1) Good for Beckham’s bank account, bad investment by the owners of the LA Galaxy (is […]
Since leaving Indiana for Germany, Indiana elected a new Governor from the Republican Party, My Man Mitch Daniels.
Since taking office, Daniels has managed to do exactly one good thing: convince the legislature to enact a day light savings program. Of course he fucked it up when he left it to the federal government to […]
Awhile back my sister sent me a notepad that she’d come across.
The notepad promoted the Wyoming Department of Workforce Service (a fancy name for “Labor” I suspect), proclaiming that they “link human and economic development for Wyoming’s future.”
Across the bottom of the pages they had four separate rotating factoids to consider as one […]
So Dear Leader’s visit to Germany has had a significant economic impact.
500,000,000€ loss to shipping on the Rhine, never mind losses at the Frankfurt Airport.
Congratulations to Dear Leader and his Security Forces for helping out the German Economy!
To: President Bush, Alan Greenspan; important people From: Adam Lederer; citizen, expat Date: 20 November 2004 Re: The Dollar
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for not changing the weak dollar policy.
I need blue jeans, a pair of clubbing shoes, a couple new shirts. I’m looking forward to my upcoming visits because […]
Since Adam is away I thought I would fill you in/bore you with some details about the economic make-up of my current hometown of Danville, VA. This is prompted by an article titled, Small towns tired of slow rollout create own high-speed networks in the money section of the 9/21/04 USA Today (you’ll need the […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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