
October 2024


On my media choices: putting my money into quality journalism

I’ll admit it: I am a huge freeloader when it comes to news on the Internet: if it’s free, I’ll read it. If it’s not free… well, then it depends.

I’ve had a long-standing list of media that I would be happy to pay for: The Economist, The New York Times, and The Guardian.

And […]

Journalists, Journalism, and Ethics

A long, long time ago, I aspired to become a journalist – I worked on the student newspaper at the University of Wyoming, The Branding Iron, and I harbored dreams of becoming a well known and well respected journalist in Wyoming.

Something funny happened on the way to fulfilling that dream and I ended up […]

Weimar News

Considering how little time I’ve lived in Weimar (four years), this city keeps making the pages of The Economist at an unbelievable rate. Take this week: Weimar: Up from the ashes.

My previous homes of Denver, Laramie, and Bloomington, have either not made it in at all, or have appeared a number of times appropriate […]

To Swaziland… or not?

Travel planning with the Cynical Queer is underway, and I’m pleased to say that several years of diligent clicking through emails has led to a US$230 hotel room coming to me for free whilst in the Johannesburg area.


We’re still deciding whether or not we’re going to visit Swaziland, that tiny African nation sandwiched […]

Anna Amalia Library

The Anna Amalia Library (in English) that burned in Weimar back in 2004 is an incredibly important resource for all things Goethe and Schiller.

There is an article in this week’s Economist (January 20) detailing the current status of it’s reconstruction, “The Duchess Anna Amalia library.” Unfortunately it is a subscription required article.

That said, […]

The Economist

A few weeks ago I realized that my subscription to The Economist was on the verge of running out, so I renewed, using the form they sent me in the mail.

It cost 132€, a fact I remembered and discussed with Jerry in (an abridged) chat on August 17th:

Adam: I dropped 132€ on another […]

Happy Halloween

A few notes: Germany has switched its clocks back, which means that- well, nothing, we are still the same relative time apart except for Indiana and Arizona. In those states, I’m one hour closer-except in Evansville and Gary. This gets too complicated.

I had a horrid headache today. I also learned that my neighbors- living […]


I’ve noticed a funny thing about the way I absorb news since moving to Germany.

I have changed the mix of media substantially. Living in Bloomington I used the Hearld-Times, The Indiana Daily Student, NPR, WISH-TV, NYTimes.com, CNN.com, and random other sources that crossed my desk.

Now I have reduced my sources to three principle […]

My First Bike Ride

Today I went down into the cellar and hauled out a bicycle, which I then rode for a few hours. I started by heading to North Weimar to the site of a supposedly gay disco.. JC Nordlicht. I’d say more about the disco, but I don’t really know what to say about the exterior of […]