
December 2024


Last Sibling

One of the bad things about being the fourth child in a family with four children (or for that matter, any child but the first child), is the fact that the path you walk is not a new path.

In elementary school, I had the same kindergarten teacher and third grade teacher as at least […]

Saturday Summary

I took the Staten Island Ferry to and from the island with a large group of Juniors from River View High School in Warsaw, Ohio. They were doing the exact same thing that I did: out and back—and I talked to one of the teachers when he suggested that the New York City Port was […]


After reading Jonathan Swift’s brilliant analysis of the brand new, completely accurate, Conservapedia, I thought I’d poke around a bit.

The unbiased and extremely brief biography of George W. Bush notes:

For many months after John Kerry conceded the outcome of the 2004 election to George W. Bush, some liberals continued to claim that the […]

Need an education?

If you’re undecided about what classes to take in college, I just ran across a list of the 12 best courses to take, plus eight more that ought to be just as good.

Maybe the Disenchanted Youth can make this list.

Check out the so-called “Dirty Dozen.”

Random Deutsch Things

I forgot to explicitly say it, but last weekend, the men in Apolda were really cute—that is to say they had my number: lots of funky hair that attracts me. Why these men do not seem to show up in Weimar is beyond me.

Christmas shopping sucks: Disenchanted has complained about it before, so it […]

from the Inbox

This morning I woke up to the following email:

I need to take K 300 next semester and I was talking to a couple of my friends who recommended you highly to me. I was not sure, however, if you were teaching a class in the spring. If so, please let me know, and I […]

Greetings & Salutations

Greetings from sunny Louisiana, cancer alley of the United States. Adam asked if I would fill in for him during his upcoming trip to Armenia. Look forward to my comments on life in the Deep South, the crazy people I work with, and the absurdly large numbers of penises that have been appearing in the […]

No putrid excuses!

Just recently I posted one of the “Mach’s Mit” advertisements that encourage youngsters to engage in safe sex. Little did it occur to me that I would have reason to revisit the subject so quickly.

I was driven bananas.

It started last Saturday when I stopped by the Tegut grocery store in Jena’s Goethe Gallery. […]

Thanks for upholding the law!

Principal John Schalk Carmody Middle School 2050 S. Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80227

Dear Principal Schalk,

As an American living in a foreign country, I felt compelled to write to you after hearing that you have successfully scared that seditious “teacher” Eric Hamlin out of your school.

It is most unfortunate that such a left […]

Avoid Ft. Myers

School officials in Ft. Myers, Florida, USA, have decided to keep their kids safe by not allowing them to travel to London to participate in the 2007 New Year’s Day Parade.

It seems that the local school officials are a bit worried about Terrorism, not remembering that their own city isn’t that safe.

More: CNN […]