
January 2025


Join the Impact

Saturday, November 15, at 1:30p EST / 12:30p CST / 11:30a MST / 10:30a PST, you can Join The Impact, a national protest against California Prop 8 and other anti-gay marriage initiatives.

I’ll be joining the one in DC—but there are protests all across America. You can find a local protest by checking out the […]

Socialist America

I’m in Socialist America.

My travels this week take me to Blue States: connecting in Michigan on my way to Pennsylvania (perchance to meet myself), Virginia, and DC. According to the president-not-elected, John McCain, and his running mate, Sarah Palin, these must be Socialist States.

It didn’t escape my notice that Pittsburgh is suspiciously close […]

Amendment 2, Redux

So whilst there was lots to celebrate this week—like the election of Obama, the removal from office of Liz Dole, Marlyn Musgrave, and, with any luck, Norm Coleman—there were also some disappointments, like the election of Convicted Felon Ted Stevens and failure of San Francisco’s Proposition R.

And then there was California Proposition 8.

Which […]

No Heart Attacks Now…

Finish lines are dangerous.

Take this year’s New York City Marathon where two died shortly after crossing the finish line—admittedly that was out of 37,899 participants, but it is still sad and scary.

So you can understand how nervous I felt as the presidential race approached the finish line early Wednesday morning (ok, late Tuesday […]

Strange Times

This morning I was reflecting in the shower about the election—and I came up with a list of the four strangest people of this year and ranked them from awful to horrific.

Then I realized that all four people were women.

So it is with heavy heart that I ask my female readers to forgive […]

SF: Vote Yes on R; All CA: No on 8

I realize this plea doesn’t apply to most of my readers, but if you happen to live in San Francisco, I want to urge you to vote yes on Proposition R. For those of you who don’t know, or remember, this is the effort put forth by the forward thinking Presidential Memorial Commission of San […]

Republican Sleeze

After seeing the ad below, I’m not sure I can ever vote for a Republican again. I can’t believe how badly the brand is damaged from George W. Bush, Palin, and now this? Unbelievable.

Just One Week

I’m a little bit exhausted—this election cycle has lasted way too long.

Now I am starting to allow myself to feel hopeful—it’s really possible that the election will go the way it needs to go.

Time goes by, so slowly.

Monroe County, Indiana, Absentee Election Email

Dear Ms McCarty,

Attached please find a scan of my affidavit acknowledging a voluntary waiver of secret ballot.

For the office of President and Vice President, I vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

For the office of United States Representative, District 9, I vote for Baron P. Hill.

I would appreciate acknowledgment that this […]

Opposites Opposing

I popped over to Dresden yesterday to see Eurotrippen (Twitter @eurotrippen).

In terms of kindred-spirits, she’s the closest person to me in Germany. My ultimate “girls-weekend” would consist of Eurotrippen, Disenchanted, and me. Hopefully I won’t wait another 11 months before seeing her again. She’s a totally fantastic person, and it was a pleasure to […]