Liberty Income Taxes – for Canada
Every so often I check through my spam folder and am amazed at the offers for Viagra, free credit reports, and breast enhancement surgery, or whatever is lurking in that folder. Unless I spy a legitimate email hidden in the folder, I quickly hit the delete all button […]
Hi, I contacted you because I need a person who can sell my items on eBay. I just got my hands on many laptops from a store that entered in bankrupt. The laptops are brand new, never used, they are all sealed in their original box with all the accessories and producer warranty. I had […]
My Google Calendar sends me this every morning.
All too often it reminds me how little I have on my calendar.
Makes me feel sad.
Today I am taking advantage of the Bahn’s “Mauerfall” ticket special: anywhere in Germany for 20€, one way, and heading somewhere. If you don’t know where, here are some clues:
First to Halle to change trains. Eventually I will go to McDonald’s. Then, with any luck, I’ll see some prostitutes. Next I’ll meet another fabulous […]
I have to admit it: I’m addicted to the Internet—and the current version is even better than the one that I first started exploring back in the mid 1990s.
My first web browser, for the record, was Netscape. If you remember the version with the throbbing N, that’s the first one I ever used.
Today […]
I stayed in Weimar today, working at the Weimar Office, going through something that has a deadline of Monday.
It takes me about three solid hours before I hit burnout point–the point where my brain hurts and the thought of spending any more time on the project makes me want to scream. Instead of screaming, […]
After leaving Lisbon, I pretty much stopped checking my work emails.
It’s hard to answer them when your (free, leaching) wifi signal is unstable and you’re not sure your signal will stay connected for 30 seconds or 30 minutes. Actually one could be sure: surfing relatively unimportant crap, the signal would last an eternity. Need […]
I saw my first snow of the year this morning.
It was moments before I was leaving that I looked out the window and realized that in dawn’s early light, snow was gently drifting down and dusting the leaves and cars with a fine coating of white snow.
Snow, when not coming down several meters […]
From the Inbox! Not only is the Bush Administration’s State Department running scared, but they’ve managed to convince the Democrats Abroad in Berlin to forward the Berlin Consulate’s Scare-Mail to everybody on their email list! I’m glad that I have not personally subscribed to the Berlin Consulate Paranoia Email List. However, if you visit the […]
I have to say that most of the time it doesn’t bother me that New York is six hours behind me.
Unfortunately, in the past week it’s been slightly annoying because over my dinner hour I have started receiving a number of important emails that require rapid response, which ends up keeping me up a […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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