
January 2025


Whatchamacallit 161: bamboo toothbrushes

A year or two ago, I used the bathroom at a friend’s place – noticing the non-plastic toothbrushes. I asked about them – learning about bamboo toothbrushes that are entirely biodegradable, no plastic involved, no plastic consequences for the planet, especially since I go through 4-5 toothbrushes in a year; sometimes more if I […]

Whatchamacallit 138: Alvin Fernald, Superweasel

Back in 2011, when my blog was busy, I asked if anybody remembered Alvin Fernald. Nobody responded.

So, a mere 9 years later, I finally decided to track down one of the books that I mentioned in that post, Alvin Fernald, Superweasel. The book is about a fourth or fifth grader who single handedly […]

Visiting Wolfsburg (VW): Germany’s Detroit (but not quite there yet)

This weekend, for reasons I won’t really disclose here, a friend and I agreed to meet in Wolfsburg – a city just over an hour west of Berlin.

For most people it is notable because it is home to Volkswagon.

I’ll admit that when we agreed to meet in Wolfsburg, I had no […]

Shocking News (and in a good way!)

A couple weeks ago (and 6 posts ago), I talked about my electricity consumption here in Berlin and how I was expected to use 1,523 kWh – 23 more than predicted a year ago:

So this week I updated my meter reading, at their request, and was rewarded with the news that they now expect […]

Using Less Power.

One of the problems I had when I moved to Berlin was picking a company to provide my electricity service.

I recall visiting a website where I entered my profile (single, so many square feet, etc…) and then being displayed a list of offers from a variety of electricity firms. I could choose ecologically friendly […]

The American financial crisis as seen from 30,000 feet

I noticed as my plane was descending into Salt Lake City clear evidence of the financial crisis and its impact on housing – it’s actually quite easy to see from above. Unfortunately I didn’t grab my camera quickly enough and the Utah aspects went unphotographed.

Descending into Denver I was better prepared and I got […]

Dangerous, Deficient Childhood.

I called Mom today.

As I often want to do, when I call her, I remind her of all the terrible things that happened to me during my childhood in Denver, trying to lay blame for everything wrong in my life at her feet.

Today was no different.

“Mom,” I started. “I can’t believe you […]

Grass, Man…

This summer I’ve started walking in different directions.

For most of my time in Weimar, when I’ve taken leisure walks I seem to find myself in the city center, wandering amongst the building that Goethe once tread between. Some how this often leads to a stop for “Kaffee und Kuchen” –perhaps a short stop, sometimes […]

Seen Today

Green Power

Christmas Time. Or Not.

It just occurred to me that my internal clock consistently confounds me.

I am mostly finished with my Christmas shopping—seriously. I bought presents for my family in South Africa, Armenia, Portugal, and Germany. There are a few more presents to buy—things where freshness counts, but not that much. When I took Lindt Christmas Chocolate to […]