
January 2025


Whatchamacallit 14: Flug Zertifikat Rosinenbomber

I’m writing these Whatchamacallits in the afternoon before the day it gets posted, after I finish my Homeoffice duties.

Basically, my idea is that I wander to a different space within my apartment and find something worth talking about. I am trying to not feature the same space two days in a row: I […]

Whatchamacallit 4: Northwest Airlines Mug

Growing up in Denver, Northwest Airlines as not an airline I noticed with any regularity. As a kid, the airlines that mattered were United, Continental, and Frontier – all three hubbing at Stapleton International Airport – of those three, only one exists – strangely all three are that one. (I’m talking about the original […]

Hopping West Across the Pacific

Leaving Honolulu meant leaving the 50 States – and since I chose United Airlines Flight 154 – I was going to get a whole lot of flying in that day.

Reboarding UA154 heading west from Majuro.

UA 154 is the westbound Island Hopper, going from Honolulu to Majuro to Kwajalein to Kosrae to […]

Japan – I was there.

The end of my Asian trip was Japan – I flew up there from Guam. While I enjoyed my time in Japan, the trip was too brief with too many stops, which made for a trip that, while fun, was exhausting.

Originally I had planned to fly from Guam to Hiroshima, but a mere two […]

Airlines and Airportx XVI

I’m not quite done with my 2013 travels, but barring any surprises, I have no more new airports this year and no more new countries. There were a bumper crop of new airports for me in 2013: LAR, MCO, and SAN, in the States, and outside the states a whopping seven new airports: LSI, KOI, […]

I flew a kite today…

The air was filled with things that fly!

After a busy morning that involved lots of reading, I headed over to Templehof – once an airport, today a park.

A very cool flying bat!

It’s legacy as an airport was fitting today: I went to Templehof to fly a kite with my SA […]

18:00 CET: Where I wasn’t & Where I went…

I knew far in advance that Thursday at 18:00 CET that I would be in route to the States.

The scene itself? Not so exciting

This is what it looks like from seat 7C on a Continental 757-200. Immediately ahead of me: infinite leg-room, as row 7 is an exit row and, […]

Ummm… this could almost be me

jetBlue Flight Attendant reinactment

There’s a lot wrong with the recreation (starting with the plane), but it’s worth watching.

And in case you want a more conventional take, here’s a New York Times article.

Seen Homeward Bound

Security Theater

Manhattan at night.

Somewhere west of Frankfurt, shortly before landing.

Sign of Home: Goethe and Schiller.
