
January 2025


Whatchamacallit 166: Lactose Pills

As a member of the lactose intolerance community, the pills inside this bottle are critical for making my love of cheese possible.

Funny enough, I carry two kinds of lactose pills around: these, which I buy in Germany, are nice because it carries a large number of doses in a relatively small package. The […]

Whatchamacallit 123: Goldfish Colors (to be deaccessioned)

I bought this package of Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Colors awhile back: judging from its expiration date of March 8, 2015, I probably bought it in 2014.

Given the rainbow, I thought of it as Pride Goldfish – so after eating them, I save the box.

In the intervening years, the package has faded slightly […]

Whatchamacallit 117: miniaturwelt mit chili und polizei

I bought this piece of art at the Winterfeldtmarkt a few years ago – I have no idea how much I paid for it, but it was probably 20€ or less.

The backside has a small sticker indicating it is from Jannis Miniaturwelten, Berlin, along with the URL: http://www.jannis-miniaturwelten.de/ — which still works.

I […]

Whatchamacallit 12: Café du Monde by (Geri) Haywood

This painting represents New Orleans and is on the wall of my kitchen.

In my few quick minutes of googling, I cannot find any information about the artist, Haywood – other than the fact that her first name is Geri. She works in New Orleans, which makes sense: this is clearly New Orleans – […]

Roman Around… Rome

A couple weekends ago, I escaped Berlin to Rome – my first visit to Italy and, naturally, my first visit to the Vatican City.

It was a short, four-night trip, with a lot of activities crammed in. Perhaps too many activities, but ultimately I think that I saw everything that one stereotypically goes to Rome […]

My Saturday in Berlin: Thai, Firefighers, and Kites

Tempelhofer Feld, with people and kites!

The weather in Berlin right now is incredibly warm – mid September and the temperatures are in the upper 20s.

Saturday I hung out with one of my colleagues, hitting up Preußenpark and it’s weekend Thai food market. I’m not sure about the exact history of the […]

When you have a few hours to kill in Yokohama – Cupnoodles Museum

Entering CupNoodles Museum

I spent Thursday taking a walk around Yokohama. Before today, as far as I was concerned, Yokohama might as well be Tokyo – but it’s not, in the way that Hartford is not New York City.

It does have a very nice old port and, armed with a map, I headed […]

Taipei Trip Objective Achieved

I might note that the cream in the balls of the penis cake had a salty tang to it.

At the Shilin Night Market.


Fall = Pumpkin Spice MADNESS in the USA!

I love the Pumpkin Snaps, I can leave the Pumpkin Spice Popcorn. I’ll try the pasta sauce tonight

If I weren’t lactose intolerant.

Yesterday I popped into a Spouts Market – an American Organic Supermarket chain that is challenging Whole Foods by being affordable.

What immediately caught my eye is the appearance of […]

Seoul Sunday: Bears, Trees, & Dinner

View from my hotel room in Seoul — third floor of the Hotel Manu. I would stay at Hotel Manu again.

My trip from Berlin to Seoul was long – and while none of the travel, in and of itself, was stressful, by the time I got to Seoul Saturday evening, I was completely […]