
January 2025


Boston’s Freedom Trail: Simultaneously Genius and Frustrating

I was recently in Boston as part of a trip to New England – this was an opportunity to, first, strengthen my case for having visited Massachusetts (It’s no longer the state that I have spent the least amount of time in; that is now Arkansas) and, second, to walk the Freedom Trail.

The […]

Back to Square 1

Unfortunately I will not be living in the downtown Weimar apartment that I so covet.

Somebody else got it.

I took a look at another apartment this afternoon—one that is almost too beautiful for me and my relatively simple tastes. Unfortunately I wasn’t the only person looking at the apartment.

My fingers are crossed, but […]

I am not nuts.

So after getting 75% of the way through assembling my new Ikea bed last night, I realized that I misplaced the metal piece that goes from the headboard to the foot.

It’s right there in step 9: Take the metal bar, pull on it to extend it to the proper length, then put it in […]


Despite the fact that I thought I was being careful and methodical, I have misplaced the piece of metal that goes from the headboard to the foot of the Ikea bed.

Latten… whaaa?

Yesterday I made my second trip to Ikea, and just like the first, I lost track of time.

I headed there with a colleague who walked me through the process of buying a bed in Germany, something which is surprisingly different from America.

The last time I bought a bed in America, I went to […]

Minor Dilemma

So this past weekend the weather in Weimar was fantastic—and I headed out to the park wearing a t-shirt with shorts.

I was a book stuck in the back pocket, a novel I was in the middle of reading. I first headed to the Weimar Office, where I read a hearty chunk of the novel, […]

The Replacement(s)

Here’s a place where American banking services are better: credit cards.

It was on 11 January that my bank, the VR Bank Weimar eG, sent me the letter informing me that my credit card details were stolen and that my card would be frozen, that I should destroy my old card, and that a new […]