It’s been awhile since I blogged.
But moving takes effort – and I have had both awesome experiences (KaminPalast, Dielerei), ones where things have taken longer than expected but turned out awesome (KD Küchenstudio), and one utter disaster.
Holzconnection, a purveyor of custom made furniture has failed me ever since I signed the contract.
Back in 2012 I bought a new couch – getting rid of the two couches that had come to dominate my living room while being simultaneously ugly and decrepit.
With a new couch came the need for a coffee table – and I can tell you that I spent a great deal of time […]
The Couchtisch, delivered.
After ordering my new couch, it suddenly dawned on me that I would finally have enough space in my apartment to have a coffee table – and so I started the quest to find the perfect coffee table.
I discounted Ikea almost immediately – I have enough Ikea furniture in my […]
I’m annoyed.
You see, I already had a blog entry mentally composed for tomorrow in which I was going to simultaneously complain about the delivery of my new sofa while, at the same time, praising its good looks and tell you how much I love it.
Unfortunately, the fine folks at the Mulipolster […]
My version of this sofa will come in a slightly lighter grey fabric and with burgundy red pillows. It is a sofa bed, where the front slides forward a bit and the back flips next to it, thus making a fairly large mattress — although clearly the front part, where the arms […]
So after getting 75% of the way through assembling my new Ikea bed last night, I realized that I misplaced the metal piece that goes from the headboard to the foot.
It’s right there in step 9: Take the metal bar, pull on it to extend it to the proper length, then put it in […]
Despite the fact that I thought I was being careful and methodical, I have misplaced the piece of metal that goes from the headboard to the foot of the Ikea bed.
It’s a good thing that I opted against getting my Ikea bed delivered Thursday.
I had two specific activities to accomplish Thursday—one was somewhat important, legally speaking, and I got chastised, in German, because I should have done it two months ago (one must follow the rules in Germany), and the other was a hair […]
Yesterday I made my second trip to Ikea, and just like the first, I lost track of time.
I headed there with a colleague who walked me through the process of buying a bed in Germany, something which is surprisingly different from America.
The last time I bought a bed in America, I went to […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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