
January 2025


48: 10 Southern States

As you read this, I’m enjoying my day of jetlag – waking obscenely early (for the USA), and generally being dead to the world for a day. I’ll be better tomorrow.

In this weakened state, I’m starting to think that the United States has too many States – perhaps states should merge so that, like […]

Sugar Shock: Coca-Cola Cake

All Germans who ate my Coca-Cola Cake agreed: it’s very very sweet. And very American.

Coca-Cola Cake

Preheat oven to 350F/175C (while heating toast 1 cup (0.24l) chopped pecans in oven for Coca-Cola Icing, see below)

Combine: 1 cup (225g) butter, 2 cups (220g) flour, 3/4ths cup (170g) sugar, 3 TBS Cocoa, 1 TSP Buttermilk, […]

Georgia’s Really Peachy Sides

I was just looking at my current posts and realized that I’ve been whining a lot. I’ve complained about littering, the colorless Georgia travel guide and the worst state capitol tour I’ve ever taken.

Honestly I know that sometimes I’m in an overly snarky bitchy mood, but it seems to have come to the fore […]

Not So Peachy: Georgia’s State Capitol Sucks

It was wet out.

One thing that I enjoy doing is seeing and touring state capitols. I’ve been on amazing tours of the Texas and Arizona state capitols; I’ve poked around the Colorado, Wyoming, and Indiana state capitols, and I’ve even had a wonderful tour of the Ontario provincial capitol in Toronto.

So naturally […]

Buchanan, Georgia

The courthouse is now the library.

Atlanta’s Safe! You will not get shot here.

Shortly after emerging out of the bowels of the Atlanta airport I met up with PseudoWife and her Real Husband – and after exchanging hugs we headed out to their car—and they immediately wanted to reassure me.

By the time they finished reassuring me, I wasn’t clear if I was visiting Johannesburg, Bagdad, or some […]

I’m Peachy Today: I’ve got Georgia on my mind!

And no, not საქართველო, but Georgia the state in the United States. Specifically Atlanta.

I’m in Atlanta to visit Pseduo Wife I and her “real husband”. They moved to Hotlanta so that he could pursue higher education—which, quite frankly, is probably the only reason to have anything to do with either Atlanta, or Georgia the […]