
January 2025


Whatchamacallit 66: Borat Seksy Moustache

The above Moustache hangs, unopened, on the bulletin board in the kitchen hallway.

I got it while attending the Borat pre-premier showing (or event of some kind) in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, in 2006. I would guess, based on my November 1, 2006 blog post, “In Rotterdam,” that I saw it on Tuesday, October 31st, […]

Absentminded Adam: Haircut Edition

Wow… I’ve been lackluster with the blog.

Clearly I am now only writing this for myself… and to record memories as they pop up.

I got my haircut today – haircuts are one of my absolute favorite things. There’s nothing quite so awesome as sitting in a chair, relaxing, getting a scalp massage, getting the […]

18:00 CET – At the bank in Bloomington, and I almost forgot.

I spent a total of 29 hours in Bloomington – 29 action-packed hours, I might note, that included a lot of stops, including four trips to my principal bank in the United States, the Indiana University Credit Union.

All four of my trips to the bank were necessary – but I won’t […]

I’m my own worst enemy, when it comes to scheduling myself.

Half of the challenge the last couple of months has been the fact that whenever I have free time—that is to say, evenings and weekends, I have foolishly overbooked myself.

Honestly, I like coming home at the end of the day, cooking dinner, eating dinner, and then relaxing for an hour or two before crawling […]

Ice, Ice Baby!

This morning I slept in a bit—I’ve had an exhausting week.

There was a brief reprieve for me this morning: It was time for my once every 4 week haircut—although this time it was only 3 weeks since my last trim because my stylist is going on vacation for two weeks. The fact is that […]


My bottle of Menthol Shampoo, next to my other shower supplies.

After yesterday’s Wandertag, I returned to Weimar and got my haircut from my favorite European stylist.

He’s the only person I interact with on a regular basis who doesn’t speak English, and by not speaking English, I mean he only knows the most […]

My Week, so far

Monday: Morning, wake with sore throat, feel awful. Stay home. By afternoon feel ok.

Tuesday: “I’m king of the world!”

Wednesday: Morning: “I’m king of the world!” Afternoon “oooh, maybe I’m not king after all.”

Thursday: “Crud, I am sick…”

On the upside, I forced myself to keep my scheduled hair appointment, which was not […]

Ears Lowered

I did something stupid, so this morning, I had to rectify the situation by running over to the office, picking up something and returning home, just in time to catch the Hausmeister, who took one look at the problem in my flat and informed me he had to call the owner.

Basically, while I was […]

Fab Friday

Yeah, it’s Sunday and I am finally writing about Friday.

Friday, you see, was a really good day. I had things scheduled all day long and each one of the things was enjoyable.

It started at 10 with a haircut from my favorite stylist (globally speaking, not just locally). It’s always fun talking to the […]

holy matrimony!

It’s 10 o’clock and I’m getting ready to head to bed.

Since I really lack coherent thoughts today, I thought I would point out a movement of critical importance. Jonathan Swift recently argued, quite persuasively, that the US Congress must act now to save Britney Spear’s marriage to K-Fed. An issue of critical importance that […]