
January 2025


Whatchamacallit 112: A Face Mask

When it became clear that face masks would become required, it was time to invest.

Some of my investment choices were bad (relegated to the bottom of my bag ‘o masks), some were outstanding. Anything with a metal clip to hold the fabric close to the nose is probably outstanding – built to prevent […]

Whatchmacallit 28: Cannoli

For the first time, I present something ephemeral: cannoli made by Küchen von Gaia.

Generally speaking, I try to be back from my constitutional and at home for the day by 0830 every morning – this is my way of avoiding people (the streets are relatively quiet at 0600), thus allowing others to be […]

And the allergies are off to the races!

It the time of year that I suffer mightily from allergies – I have no idea which plant it is, but the plant took full advantage of the rains late last week to come out and bloom over the weekend.

Saturday I ended up taking anti-allergy drugs. One of the side effects of my anti-allergy […]

Frohe Weihnachten! / Happy Christmas!

Christmas Cheer!

Wow. My blog has been quiet this month – but before I get into what’s been going on, let me be the first to wish you a Merry Christmas.

Although, all things considered, I’m probably not the first person to do this – so just take my seasonal greetings in the manner […]

My Persnickety Eyes and Me

Back when I was in Bloomington I decided to get my eyes examined – yes, I know I could do this in Germany, but doing it in Bloomington was nice because the people there know that I have a weird problem with my eyes and can check in on it.

I came away from the […]

What an icky few weeks.

Germany seems to have come down with a cold.


Germany seems to have come down with a number of colds, and I am getting each one in turn. So far, I’ve had three distinct colds – a heavy duty cold in late January that marked its entrance with a headache and minor fever. Two […]

Happy Thanksgiving. Or Not.

Ah… if I were stateside today, I would be eating turkey.

But I’m not. I’m in Berlin.

And I’m sick.

It actually makes me doubly happy that both of m tentative thanksgiving plans fell through since I would have had to cancel anyway.

Instead I’m spending my second day in a row at home, wondering […]

A Little Remembered Anniversary Passed This Week

I work out.

While Germans were observing the anniversary of Kristallnacht and celebrating the fall of the Berlin Wall, I observed the second anniversary of my gym membership.

By coincidence I had a meeting with my personal trainer – and we discussed my progress over the last two years.

And as I look back […]

This is good Friday, timing wise.

Most of the time, I’m indifferent to religious holidays.

This time, the timing actually perfect: somebody charitably shared a cold with me and I need the time off to recover. The cold first made itself known to me late Monday night, walloped me Tuesday (enough that I stayed home and slept 90% of the day), […]

Ack! Between my Hexenschuss and my trip to Amsterdam…

I’ve gained two kilo in the past two weeks – and I’ll blame one kilo on not going to the gym, and the other kilo on Amsterdam.

With respect to the gym, once the Hexenschuss hit, I stopped going to the gym for over a week, and when I started going to the gym again, […]