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Am ende von meine Reise habe ich „Adam-Zeit“.
Diese mal bin ich in Indianapolis und Indianapolis ist der „Frankfurt“ von den USA: ein Stadt ohne Seele und ohne Vorsatz. Es ist geisttötend.
Samstag morgen Indianapolis habe mehr Schnee—aber diese Schnee ist über ein dick Inlandeis. Freitag Abend […]
This has been an interesting trip – at least weather wise – and not always in a good way.
From the moment I planned this trip I was most worried about Fargo and it’s extremely cold temperatures. Instead I’ve experienced a miserable snowstorm in Denver that made driving a challenge and, Tuesday afternoon in Bloomington, […]
photo by OK Copito
So the fear expressed in my previous post, came to reality–actually it came to reality many times, but at least one time there was a blogger who heard the event and photographed the aftermath!
OK Copito is a Spanish-language blog based here in Weimar–and as the author was hard […]
This morning I slept in a bit—I’ve had an exhausting week.
There was a brief reprieve for me this morning: It was time for my once every 4 week haircut—although this time it was only 3 weeks since my last trim because my stylist is going on vacation for two weeks. The fact is that […]
I have to say that this week, which started out a bit roughly on the emotional and work side has evened out splendidly—I’ve made some concrete plans for my leisure time while traveling, and made a concrete plan for a leisure trip in October.
I’m feeling pretty good, all things considered.
Everything isn’t in ink, […]
This was a weekend of Weihnachtsmärkte for me.
Saturday I got out of town and headed to Apolda, which is a small city located ten minutes east of Weimar on a regional train. I’d looked at a map of the city awhile back (read: 3 months), so I had a vague notion where the city […]
I would write more.
But I am exhausted.
I went ice skating today, and my legs? Well, I haven’t done anything like this to my legs in quite awhile.
It was fun- it was good- it was… worth doing again.
Hopefully my legs will be more used to it.
This was written 09 September 04, whilst on the train.
I’ve mentioned briefly, before, that my Father is coming to visit me in Europe, and now that I have settled most (but not all) of our transportation details, I am getting excited about that trip, as well as the one next March.
For my […]
Obviously I am not quite sure when I will be posting this, but consider this to be a “live” as it happens trip report on my travels to Britain.
The good news is that I’m not even to the airport yet, and I feel like I have quite a bit to write about. We’ll see […]
Ah, as I write this I am sitting in the BordRestaurant waiting for the train to leave the station. Once the train gets going, I will be starting the last leg of my journey from Bloomington to Weimar.
The trip has not been without its hitches. Several hitches actually, but thanks to a wonderful United […]
TQE : That Queer Expatriate I'm an American living in Berlin, Germany -- which makes me an expatriate, not an ex-patriot. Before landing in Germany, I've lived in Denver, Colorado; Laramie, Wyoming; Bloomington, Indiana; and Weimar, Germany. If you want to write to me, feel free! The username is elmadaeu on the gmail.com service.
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