
January 2025


Whatchamacallit 39: Bloomington Memories

Color this another “annoyed” whatchamacallit – today I am supposed to heading to Bloomington, Indiana, for a few days – some meetings, many friends, an escape from work. Instead, of course, I am working from home in Berlin.

I have been ruminating about my representations of Bloomington – a city I lived in for […]

15 years since Matthew Shepard was murdered

It’s hard to believe that it’s been 15 years since I left the University of Wyoming for points east – and ultimately Germany.

Two months after moving to Bloomington, Laramie was in the news.

From the luxury of my home in Berlin, I can still think back to how I felt those 1998 October days […]

Matthew Wayne Shepard, † October 12, 1998

Today marks 14 years since the passing of Matthew Shepard.

What strikes me now is how vivid my memories are of that week 14 years ago leading up to today, 14 years ago.

I was living on Braeside Drive, in Bloomington, in an apartment complex that I’ve done my best to forget—rarely pausing to recall […]

Making It Better: 13 Years After Matthew Shepard

As is with tradition, today is the day that I pause to reflect upon Matthew Shepard, the University of Wyoming student who was savagely beaten, tied to a fence, and left to die.

Trying to avoid too much repetition this year (see 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, or any of the many times […]

There’s a girl missing from Bloomington…

Anybody in Bloomington for more than about 5 or 10 minutes will immediately figure out that somebody named Lauren is missing, thanks to the posting of 10,000 fliers on everything from empty store fronts, random lamp posts, and everything else you could imagine.

She’s been missing since June 3, 2011, and her family is seeking […]

This is Indiana

One thing that I do now, more than I did in the past, is think about the messages that what t-shirts I wear, say. Consequently, I’m buying fewer random t-shirts and wishing I had more of some messages.

For example, at the gym I wear duds for the Wyoming Cowboys (I wish I had more) […]

Now underwhelmed by that first day excitement…

You can tell when people are changing classes…

While the timing of this trip was dictated by something I was invited to attend, it happens to match the first week of classes at Indiana University, Bloomington.

Technically, I’m on vacation, but I’ve taken care of a number of housekeeping-like things, like visiting the bank […]

Bloomington Indiana: Tons of Things in One Dispatch

This is one of those moments where I have a ton of things to say, but it occurs to me that I’ll never have enough time to say it all in thematic blog posts unless the theme is “Bloomington, Indiana” – so here it is: one post, many things, one city.

My favorite coffee shop […]

Le Nozze di Figaro

I know that I’ve promised a post about what I did last Thursday and I’m please to report that I’m a lot happier with the second draft.

Unfortunately I haven’t had the time to finish revising it (some parts need to go) and uploading the related pictures to Flickr.

PsudeoWife, her real husband, and one […]

My Genes Suck

It’s exciting—by this time tomorrow, my furniture will be in my new apartment.

Unfortunately T-Com doesn’t come until Thursday, so I will probably be back here at my friends’ place, not just to take care of the cats, but to check my email. My friends are off on one of their well deserved vacations, and […]