
February 2025


Guess what I saw today…

I had lunch with a couple of my excellent colleagues today. We’d left the office for a nearby Chinese restaurant that has pretty good food at reasonable prices.

After eating I leaned back and looked up at the ceiling where I saw something that caught me off guard.

Clearly I saw something there that […]

Little Man

I have the vague feeling that most of my readers are experiencing unusually cold temperatures right now. Here’s one little fellow who has no objections!

Welcome to Fabulous Las… Jena?

Something’s been lost in translation… Las Jenas

What happens in Vegas Jena, stays in Vegas Jena!


Last week one of my colleagues called me to let me know that the Jena Cinestar was showing Harry Potter in the original English—and Harry Potter is something that I don’t want to defile by watching in German, so we made plans to go last night.

For dinner we agreed, because of an offhand comment […]

Extra Happy People

Pharmacy Happy Hour

Every Wednesday and Friday, from 3-6pm, 10% off at the Pharmacy!

P.S. Call this my Funny Foto Freitag entry…


I’ve liked my current camera (it’s a Nikon Coolpix s52) since I bought it under duress last November in DC—but I never bothered to read the instruction manual and so it wasn’t until a couple weeks ago that I discovered the preset functions for different types of photography.

Yesterday I was in Jena’s Paradies Park […]

Science City Jena

The best local player at Jena’s basketball tent/arena was not a member of the Science City Jena basketball team.

It was the local who made a shot from slightly beyond the 3-point line, thus winning 800€.

He was also probably the only local player who could run around the court quickly, jump up and down, […]

Before and After

Graffiti on the Kassa, a club located near the Jena West train station.

Gay Thüringen (Weimar, Jena, Erfurt)

Please visit the new Gay Thüringen Page.

It’s suddenly come to my attention that the Gay Thüringen website closed down.

And in the spirit of speedy discovery and announcements, it “died” August 27, 2007; I noticed February 3, 2008.

I think that pretty well summarizes gay life in Thüringen: it’s so dead that nobody notices […]

It is official!

Leipzig is officially my favorite German city.

Not only is Leipzig blessed with beautiful buildings, a walkable city center, and friendly people, but the G-Garage was a veritable smorgasbord of hot, cute, sexy men.

Yes, it was far better than La Demence in Brussels. Whilst La Demence had the widest variety of men I’d ever […]